Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Coming and Going

 Always something to be said in favor of change.  These days, we do seem to be coming and going, going and coming quite a lot.  It does keep life more interesting.  We were at the cabin (our only actual house) for a couple of months.  The snow and wintery beauty was enjoyable and we stayed toasty warm.  The unexpected friendships we've formed in that Colorado high country makes the visits even more pleasant.  Then comes the day when we look out at the cold landscape and know that there's things and loved ones calling us back to Texas. 

Two travel days and in our hometown, where the temps are balmy and the sun is shining bright, we look out at the bay at the campground where the travel trailer, our temporary home, is parked and feel happy and excited to be here.  Family, friends and some business will fill our days here.  It's a nice change.

I highly recommend that you seek a little change in your life. That saying about the definition of crazy in doing the same thing over and over and expecting different true.  Nothing wrong with being content with what you have, but change keeps your mind working, keeps you moving and active.  I'm not saying that it has to be a major life altering experience. Just open yourself up to doing something a little different occasionally. Break out of your normal routine and habits, explore the possibility of what if I didn't stay right in this place everyday, what if I didn't do this same thing?   Don't stay in that cozy rut, climb on out and see what's up there.

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