Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Thursday, March 3, 2016

What Will We Tell the Children?

I wake up so many mornings with a big knot in my stomach and try to avoid news and the media as much as I can. I'm so deeply disappointed to find my beautiful America wallowing in the muck and mire.  We all know that politics is dirty but this presidential campaign, the politics of today has become swimming in the toilet nasty.

I must say that if I had my own ways and means, right now---today, I would pull three big buses up in front of the legislature, load every stinking representative and senator up and remove them from the job of protecting and representing the people, the job that they don't do. I would fumigate and sanitize the work place that my tax dollars provided for them and start all over. The flaw in that would be that most of them wouldn't be at work.  I believe in my heart that the greed and corruption in the legislature is the true destructive force to our democracy. 

It's obvious that the anger, frustration and disgust of the American citizens has fueled so much of the tone and rhetoric of this long campaign to select the nominees that we will choose a president from. The PRESIDENT of the United States, folks---the leader, the  world wide representative of our country and all we stand for.  I think about when Amy, the neurobiologist on Big Bang Theory talked about how monkeys fling their poop at their adversaries.  I've never in my lifetime seen so much and such blatent poop slinging!

But, we aren't monkeys...are we?  Here are just some of the more recent statements to spew out of the candidates vulgar mouths that not only scare the monkey-doo out of me but make me wonder how we can stand the stench of the growing pile of lies. 

                     BERNIE likes to use the word revolution. There is a quote I like that says, A reform is a correction of abuses; a revolution is a transfer of power.  FREE college, FREE healthcare...the government should take care of us all.  Who pays for the FREE for ALL?  Does the almighty government have a money tree or do we all pay for free? We need to be extremely careful who we transfer power to.

                     HILLARY says that the Republicans are out there "doing everything they can" to  prevent the blacks, the Hispanics, the poor and those with disabilities from voting. Why would any party want a large portion of the population not to vote? Isn't that with great racism assuming that ALL blacks, Hispanics, poor and people with disabilities are  Democrats and liberals and therefore the Republicans wouldn't want them to vote?  But then What difference does it make? 

                     TRUMP, the crude, rude, disrespectful, narcissistic ego-maniac arrogantly says things such as---have you seen her face?  blood coming out of eyes, coming out of her wherever; idiot, fools; If Hillary can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy Americans----I'm rich, I'm successful, I can build the Great Wall of Trump and Mexico will pay for it; Blacks love me. I will make America great again. I am winning, I am winning.  Funny, how he only talks about me, me, me, I, I, I and not about YOUR country and how he actually is going to fix it.

                     EVERY CANDIDATE, telling us lies, calling their opponents names, maneuvering for their own political gain and asking us to send our hard earned dollars and support them. "Go to my website and donate. No matter if you don't have much to give, just send what you can." Reminds me of every old  slick sleazy evangelist I ever heard begging for your last dollar.

Trust me, friends, I'm every bit as mad as you are about the direction this country is going.  I just want you to ask yourself what are you going to tell your children?  The children and grandchildren that you've tried to teach some values. When they say, " I thought you said that you didn't say those words,  that you don't talk about how a person looks,  you don't bully people or call them bad names."   How are you going to explain the choice you made for the person to be the president of our country?  Do you think that when the flag flies and the anthem plays, you're going to be able to stand up and say, "Yes, that's my country, that's my flag---that's my president."




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