Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Ain't Life a Bitch

As you can see, I have a beautiful place to do my whining and bitching and complaining. Since this awesome whiteness isn't the norm for the hubby and I, we've really enjoyed being at the Colorado cabin in the winter. I was all blanketed, socked, booted and flannel-ed UP---prepared to just enjoy the view and work on some editing and even get started on the new novel. What better time to get some work done than in the "too cold to get outside" season. 

You know how plans go, most often they don't. We were finally settled in a bit, caught up on visiting, nearly over the allergies that attack when we make this change in location and I was actually beginning to get some work done.  I had proudly finished a chapter plus of the new book and had spent a whole day editing and revisiting an older book.  Then it happened, the stuff hit the old fan, not the white stuff. The laptop went all goofy and then black. When I restarted it, it persistently gave me a start-up repair message and no matter WHAT I tried, it went right back to that point---no opening or getting in anything.  After two frustrating days, I knew it was crashed and the reality began to seep in.  What about my files? what about my pictures, my books and edits?

I wish I could say that I was just calm, oh well, the poor old thing was always hinkey and on it's last leg. I'm talking about the laptop, strange that it could apply to myself.  Well, I wasn't so cool and collected, I was about ready to chew my writing hand off.  Even though online deliveries are super speedy these days, it seemed like for-ev-er to get a new device in my hands. Hey, I'm the first one to deride those that are tied to their electronics. I have to admit, this was pure D hell folks. I did crosswords, I do have my kindle tablet and could pass some time there, I should have been looking for productive ways to pass my time such as cleaning---no-o-o.  I wanted my laptop, RIGHT NOW.

As you can see, I did survive the pc catastrophe.  I swear, I feel like I was inflicted with a bad limp and miraculously can trot again!  It's not all perfect for sure, being a person who will stubbornly work until I pass out when I want to learn something, I only know computer things that I'm interested in. So, it's been hours of trying to get the new gadget all filled up with the stuff I'm used to. Still, I'm smiling today and just rattling on to you about it all.  Since I'm a half-breed, (you know, half intelligent and two thirds stupid) I did lose some things, but I was able to recover a lot.  Yea! back in business (for now).

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