Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What Is Wrong With Me?

In my heart, my real question is "What in holy hades is wrong with YOU?" Yes--you and you and you. But, I'm trying to consider the slim possibility that I'm the crazy person.  I mean people are just walking around everyday, acting like there's not a thing wrong with the world. It must be ME.

I'm trying to acknowledge, accept that the world progresses, life changes.  Wasn't there a time when parents thought Rock n' Roll was evil, that Elvis was nasty and vulgar?  The man could be the Pope in these days.  Speaking of ridiculous people for important positions---according to folks who obviously are much saner than myself, America has very intelligently pared down our choice of who will be the next president of our country to a few choices.  The ultra smart talking heads on media, the polls, the political predictors say that we will most likely either have a lying female who has political gain root-canaled into her teeth, a "let the government take care of you" admitted socialist or a white shoe salesman who believes money is the measure of success and talking loud and obnoxious will keep us safe from a world that hates and has no respect for us.

must be the crazy one.  With millions of people in America, with all the intelligent, honest and patriotic citizens that I want to believe still exist in our country---even among the offered candidates of both parties, people who have character and care about the direction our country is moving, we are choosing to settle for these people. We are giving them the attention, the serious consideration. I wouldn't even give these bottom of the barrel folks the time of day. 

Maybe I'm hanging on to an America that doesn't exist anymore. I'm not saying that there isn't always huge space for change. Tearing down and throwing away every single ideal that has made our country a free and great place to be, can't be the answer to our problems.  As squirrely nuts as I am, who would I choose? who do I think should be our new leader?  I wish I had a real definite choice. What I do know is that I do not want a president who lies for their own political gain, who walks on a thin edge of legal and moral ground. I don't want a president who thinks that it's the right thing to do to use the forced taxes paid by hard working Americans to take care of all the citizens, as well as the non citizens who don't choose to work for their survival. I don't want a president who believes that law abiding citizens shouldn't have a gun to defend their property and families, who thinks the constitution is an outdated document that can be ignored.

Patriotism, character, hard work, constitutional guaranteed rights---freedom. What crazy radical ideals.

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