Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Can You Prepare?

My old heart breaks for my fellow Texans back home. The loss and devastation is a ongoing nightmare. I have to admit that my inclination is to cover both my eyes and ears to the reports of sad loss. The loss of property is horrendous but the loss of lives is nearly unbearable to hear.

I've long had mixed feelings about the technology that allows people in their very last moments on our earth to communicate with important loved ones.  Is this a curse or an amazing blessing?  The reality of our world that allows folks to make those final desperate phone calls...passengers on the plane going to ground on nine-eleven or the young mother, who in horror tumbled with her husband and young children down the wild and vicious Texas river, their vacation house swept away. It is a painful scenario to envision. 

Is there any possible way to prepare for such disasters?  No question, there are some sudden and unexpected circumstances in life that no one could ever prevent or be prepared for.  I do know that when the order is given, when there is any advance warning of disaster, we need to have no hesitation in extreme caution.  When it is ordered or suggested that we take cover, move to high ground, evacuate, we must do those things.

My well worn old explanation to my children, when they thought their parents were being too strict, over careful, was..."You have to understand, if we over protect you, the worst that is going to happen is that you will whine that we were strict parents, perhaps even someday when you're an adult.  But, the alternative is just too frightening to consider.  The situation that we would allow or the rule that we wouldn't insist that you follow, that resulted in your harm, in our loss of you."  There is no real option. In other words, I'm a firm believer in to err on the side of caution.

The circumstances in Texas and in many other parts of our country have been sudden and catastrophic. There was very little that could be done to prepare for this.   Hopefully, the preparations and generosity of others will ease some of the tragic misery.  May we that have been spared,  all give thanks that we're not faced with the heartbreaking choices and events that our fellow citizens are besieged with today. May our prayers, our love and support be sent to the citizens of Texas and other disaster burdened states.

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