Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Friday, June 5, 2015

Please, Spare Me the Gory Details

Why is it these days, there is a compulsion to know, see and hear EV-E-RY thing?  Actually, I'm not sure that so many are compelled to this, but multitudes are compelled to show and tell us.  I can't speak, of course, for all. Myself, by the time I hear or read the headlines, the news (supposedly), I'm just sick and tired. 

Billy Graham said, "Self-centered indulgence, pride and a lack of shame for sin is the new emblem of American society." It rings painfully true.  I would have to be honest and say that I make very few decisions or judgments in my life based on religion. Indeed, I'm not a deeply spiritual individual. However, facts are facts. The majority of us, me most certainly, have people we love, family and friends and people we know that have personal problems and troubles.  The young folks of today have particularly hard and confusing decisions and choices.  I doubt, other than a few close friends, that anyone gives a rat's ass about those things.  Why would the fact that thousands of people know your name, make this more interesting?

Even the latest fashion trend is celebrities spending obscene amount of dollars on dresses that you can see their underwear through.  Why? I wish that I got that, but I just don't.  The "NEWS" is about people's ever changing or possibly illegal sexual preferences, their gender switching, their new aversion to their partner...a huge disgusting buffet of private crappiness. Everyday, I scour the news looking for some stories that are interesting, not about famous names, have some type of value.  It's not that people don't have true dilemmas or that I don't think they have the right to be, and to a degree, do what they want. Please, spare me the endless details. 

I get that people sometimes need validation, approval. Whatever happened to the notion of privacy, to pride and dignity?  Keeping private things private, doesn't mean that you're ashamed, it simply means that you have some self respect and dignity and that it's nobody's damn business.  I truly am so weary and sickened by the current obsession to dig around in one's life closet, drag out the stinkiest, nastiest & ugliest bag of secrets that is there and splash it across any media that will promote it. I may be a bitchy old broad, but it seems much less about difficult events in one's life and much more about publicity. Folks that have no personal boundaries or self respect don't seem to mind a bit what kind of publicity they get. A world filled with narcissistic inhabitants will not be a place any humans will thrive in.

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