Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Should We Worry?

Jade Helm 15, US training drills in five states, involving 1,200 troops.  Shouldn't that be a comfort?  Shouldn't we be glad that our troops are getting good training? There is this for what purpose?  The Military insists that these are just typical training maneuvers and admit that "Martial Law" enforcement is part of the training. 

The governor of Texas, Greg Abbot is concerned enough to say to the military, "I've ordered the Texas State Guard to monitor Jade Helm 15 to safeguard Texans' constitutional rights, private property & civil liberties." WE will be watching YOU.  Unfortunately, the world is a pretty chaotic place these days and America isn't immune. Those (and I include myself in that group) who believe that bad things can certainly occur, man made or from nature, do not have total faith that our own military will be looking after the citizen's own best interest.  There  is a very high mistrust in our government and a true belief that we must prepare for catastrophe and plan to take care of ourselves.

One thing is certain, a free people must not be complacent and take liberty for granted. One of the most disturbing things I've read over the last few years was the story from a European woman who lived in a city when Hitler and his armies came marching in. The people cheered, one of the most intelligent and evil leaders in history was welcomed and it was believed that he had come to make their lives . It was too late when her neighbors of Jewish origins began to disappear, one by one.  Vigilance is not paranoia.  We do need to pay attention.  A blind faith that any amassing power, whether from our own government or a foreign entity, will not be a threat to our freedom is just plain foolish. Where there is great power, there is always a danger of corruption. 

I, in no way, am degrading the soldiers that have signed on to protect us and our liberties. There are no braver and noble citizens than those that join our armies. It's wise to note though, the very same heroic folks that believe they are protecting us, can be the last to realize they are being used as weapons against us.  I applaud our governor for letting it be known that you will not come to our state and train or drill without some civilian over site. 

Another Texas governor and a president that I respected, said "Either you are with us or you're against us."   This is fact and Texas will be looking closely to see which side of that line your feet fall on.

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