Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Who Said Murphy Could Make a Law!

I did some research, looked for this Murphy guy. Seems that he is more of a conglomeration of identities and yet he made this damnable law; If anything can will. Mr. Murphy may come from undetermined origins, but the law is dead on and I do believe it.  Stuff is going to happen and change will occur. 

Are you prepared for change?  It's actually what "Prepping" is all about. You can bet your bottom on stuff and change.  Being prepared for things that might happen and for your world to change will insure that you can weather Mr. Murphy's certainty of calamity. You better prepare physically and mentally because change, for good or bad is inevitable.

In these years that have stacked up on me, I've found some truths. The acceptance of these facts makes me a much happier person:

                       *Your body will age. No matter how many magic creams you use, no matter how much you might nip and tuck, cover and conceal...the gray hair is there in reality, the wrinkles and pull of gravity are not an option.  You're not special and time will not spare you that change. You may look more beautifully preserved in your casket but you will be just as dead as I am in mine.

                      *Genes and chance are not controllable. There is no option, not a box to check when genes are distributed. You get what you get. You would be foolish to not give a thought to lifestyle or avail yourself of modern medicine. However, who hasn't known someone that was an extreme health "nut", the person who ate right, exercised, everything in moderation, was smart and careful...yet, they dropped dead of a heart attack, got cancer, got ran over by a bus, went to have a tooth pulled and never came back home again.  You shouldn't give up everything in life that brings you pleasure and punish yourself with every new piece of advice on living a long life that is touted because chance doesn't care if you ate your vegetables.

                    *Moderation. One of the hardest truths to accept in our world of excess. A little of a lot of things is plenty.  A little butter on your toast (a little toast) won't be the death of you, a couple of alcoholic drinks smooth out the rough edges and calm the tense and worried mind, a little walk is better than sitting in the chair and a little patience makes living your life in the close company of another human being a lot more enjoyable.  A "little" will get you a long way.

                   *Children and puppies do not stay cute and cuddly. But, it's too late, you've already become extremely attached and they bring immeasurable joy to your life. They also remind you of the stuff that can happen and the change that will come.

                   *Change. Life and the world changes with every breath that is taken and every day that dawns.  In a flash, in the next moment, the flowing disruption in the pattern of our existence never ceases.

This mysterious Murphy, he had it right.  Preparing for the sure change, the best I can, gives me peace.  I'm aging, it's okay. Often quite enjoyable.  "I y'am what I y'am," said Popeye. I'll try in moderation to balance those genes that I inherited.  There has been a conscious decision to not adopt any more puppies but my children, love of them and from them is a positive constant.  None of us knows what will happen ahead, but we can know how we will face it.


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