Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Heart of a Tyler Rose

In my hometown, just a few years after my hubby played football and graduated from one of the local high schools, a large young man with a heart that exceeded his size played spectacular football at that same school. Earl Campbell led his team to the State 4A Championship and went on to win the Heisman Trohpy in college.  Nicknamed the Tyler Rose, his professional career earned him the widely accepted and deserved reputation of one of the best power backs in NFL history.

With the Superbowl looming, I found myself thinking of Earl. Now, I wouldn't try to kid you and say that I'm a huge football fan.  I have to concentrate hard to follow, I don't know all the complicated rules of the game. When they fake, I'm usually stupidly hunting for the ball as they charge down the field and make the big play. I seem to need a more personal connection to a player or team to stay interested. Such as watching my young and agile future husband hustle up and down the field, so many years ago...I never took my eyes off him.  Or even the newer pro players that have ties to my town, Matt Flynn and Johnny Manziel. 

But, it was much more than football that brought Earl Campbell to my mind. The character and courage of the man makes him someone that I truly admire.  I was disappointed  a year or so ago when I wasn't in town for a visit he made home. A street was being named for him. When I read the story I realized how much I would have enjoyed meeting him and getting his autograph. At my age, I've become so aware that persons that you can truly respect seem to be increasingly rare.

When Earl was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, one of his favorite coaches introduced him. Bum Phillips said, "I want to thank Earl's mother for raising a man that knows how to live right, on and off the football field."  I believe that is a very accurate description.  Earl loved his mother and family.  He played the game with all his heart and his strong and powerful body paid a huge price for his relentless dedication.  Even from the wheelchair that he mostly is in these days, and even through the pain that his battered body dishes out to him, that beautiful and gracious smile shines. He is a man of integrity, a man that I believe any person would be proud to know. 

Unfortunately, we live in times where celebrity is often extreme and obscene.  Merely being a sports super star, a movie star, a religious leader or even the president of our great country does not seem to require a person of fine character. It's a great disappointment to me, not that people are human, that they are not perfect but that people who are given great opportunities don't seem to value the qualities of honesty and courage and personal accountability. 

This Sunday, we're having a few friends over. It will be a fun evening of food and football watching. I've decided that during that over hyped extravaganza, I'm going to remember Earl Campbell.  Not just his hard rolling mighty performance on the football field, but the man who worked hard to achieve, handled adversity with bravery and has earned my admiration.

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