Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Where is Your Head?

Did you know that an ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain? No surprise that even though it's head is buried in the sand (for whatever true purpose it has), the lion that it doesn't see coming will still chew it's ass off.  Just "saying" that something isn't so, unfortunately doesn't make it not so.  We seem to have a whole new species of humans worldwide, the Ostrichians.

Up until quite recently, I had friends and acquaintances who insisted that Mexico is safe, it's just fine where I go. Confident that the promise of a cheap fancy handbag was worth a little risky roaming across the border. Lately, most have changed their attitude. Folks, Mexico is dangerous. 

The mayor of Paris is all insulted and outraged, there are no No-Go Zones in her city environs. Is that so?  I've not yet seen the videos and pictures of her or the ultra fashionably dressed French or tourist women strolling around, sans a head cover in those not no-go zones.  There are high populations of Muslims across Europe and whether you want to see them coming or not, a high number are radical terrorist whose sole purpose is to annihilate the infidels of the world. You can get your nose all out of joint about a terminology, but Europe is dangerous.

America is far from immune from this growing threat.  We have our own areas that are as close to No-Go Zones as you can get. I'm also just sick to death of the Ostrichian persistant line that all this stewing evil in the world isn't about religion or radicalism, it's our own fault...brought on by the spoiled have-it-all's of the world. It's about poverty and racism is their loud theme song.  As I heard it very eloquently said recently, "that's the biggest pile of bovine excrement, I've ever heard."

I was quite poor growing up. My parents were not what you called responsible and they created most of their own problems.  Still, they were not racists, they didn't steal or sell drugs, they didn't spend their days rioting, protesting or waiting in the welfare line.  We were just poor. Thousands of folks are and you don't have to be afraid to walk up in their yard.  Poverty, whether your own fault or not, is no excuse for low character and despicable behavior.

No amount of  political correctness or sticking a head in the sand is going to change the cold hard facts of today. These growing extremist populations are not just people who look different from yourself, not just people who have some different religious beliefs or cultural habits. They are hate filled, vicious radicals.  These are groups who want to rip the fabric of peaceful society to shreds and remake it into their own cloak of twisted ideology.  These are groups who have no desire for peace or harmonious existence among the residents of the earth. They either wish to hold on to all past injustices and be sure that all, not of their kind continue to pay for those injustices or they wish to eradicate all, not of their kind and rule.

My old brain is not the size of an ostrich and I know, these people are dangerous and the world has become very dangerous. Don't lie to me for the sake of political correctness or to save your tourist's dollars.  The leaders of the world and the news media can regurgitate their version of the truth endlessly.  Only you can take your head out, look and listen and decide what you believe to be true.

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