Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Friday, January 24, 2014


(***Just a note...the picture wasn't here yesterday. I spent all this morning, laughing at proscrastination jokes on the internet.)
All of the advice for writers, advice that I rather compulsively seek out and read, says learn to not procrastinate! The advisors say things such as, have a particular place, room that you work in; set a goal of a certain number of words you will write each day; create an outline, a story plan; write, write, write, don't worry about it being perfect, get a rough draft down on paper.  There's more, but it eludes my memory at the moment.  What were we talking about?  Oh yeah, do not procrastinate.

I am not saying that these bits of advice are not good tips for writing. Those tips and many, many more are very valid suggestions in the pursuit of writing your masterpiece.  I have to admit that when it comes to writing, I am far more adept at putting it off than staying with it.

I do have a place, an office in my home that I am able to occupy any time and as long as I wish. The problem lies, not in that nice space that I have, it is the bright box that sits in front of me. That terrific tool that allows me to transfer my thoughts into words and form a story, is also my biggest distraction.  And it's not that I tweet or facebook or any social media (I just don't plain don't), it's not that I am all up in my e-mail, going in or going out. My distraction is the amazing plethora of information that lurks inside the box.  If I reach a place in my story that I think, "Um-m, don't know about that. Perhaps I better do some research on that", I can easily wander off into the never, never of internet information and not find my way home.  I sink deep into Really! that was the underwear they wore back in the dark ages? and become the fascinated reader when I should be the writer.

Write a certain number of words a day.  That's wonderful if you are inspired and know what you want to tell. Otherwise, pages of damn---damn---damnit! are probably never going to be a bestseller. Create an outline, OMG, if you can write all that out, you could have written your novel already.  Everything is a rough draft, because no matter how anal you are and how carefully you craft your story, it will not be perfect. You will edit and re-write and edit a hundred times before it is even okay.

Is it procrastination? I get myself together, face, hair, my presentable "house" clothes, rarely do I allow myself to stay in those comfy pjs and write.  I promise that the answering machine will catch the phone...unless it's Dee, I really need to talk to Dee about that thing we talked about the other day. I had breakfast, there will be no need to take a break. Of course, I might need a cup of coffee or a wee snack, maybe a sandwich. I am ready, could be here for hours. Just as soon as I see what that noise! neighbors are getting a new sofa, um-m, tacky thing.

My fellow authors, I say to you,  don't put if off, put your bottom in the seat, keep your fingers on the keyboard, your mind on the story. One moment, can you excuse me for a sec?  The clothes are dry, I'll just check the mail while I'm up and might as well pee. Be right back. What's your excuse?

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