Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Medicine or Par-ty?

Does marijuana have true medicinal uses or it just par-tee, dude?  With the beautiful state of Colorado doing everything short of giving it away free with ten gallons of gas purchased, it is certainly a topic of interest lately.

I personally feel like they have opened a mellow can of worms. Any drug must be regulated. Why? Let's get real, humans are not very trustworthy when it comes to moderation.  So, how much can you grow, how much can you purchase, how much can you possess, how much can you suck in and be okay to be cruising down the highway? Of course, tons of things that we like are not good for us. Who could argue with the destructive possibilities of alcohol, some drunk? Cigarettes?  Obesity is a real bummer. Does it harm anyone other than yourself...if you can't reach your chubby arms over your enormous belly to the steering wheel, you might have an accident.  But then, cell phones, lipstick smearing,  lack of sleep and a multitude of other things too disgusting to detail, cause auto accidents. 

So, does the mayor of New York, not to call names (idiot) have the right to regulate how much cola you can purchase at one time?  I say that I have the right to buy a 55 gallon drum and bathe in it, if I want to and can afford it. But, I do digress.  Does marijuana have medicinal purposes?

Yes, marijuana has a use for pain. There are other things, but if you are a cancer patient or have one of many serious pain causing illnesses, relief is a pretty important thing.  Truth is, if you are a prepper, a survivor, most of the true evil and bad vices will be some of the best assets you can have.  Alcohol absolutely has antiseptic and pain killing abilities. Chocolate, cigarettes...folks will eventually be desperate for those things.  Things like that will be treasures for barter. 

Lots of  stuff can happen in our old precarious world.  If I look up one day and see a big ball of fire rolling up into the sky or hurtling towards the earth,  I just might inhale a big toke, take a good slug of whiskey, cram a Nestle's Crunch down and kiss my bottom goodbye. Yep! maybe just party.  If my eyes open again, I'll have to go to work and survive and I will trade you three cigarettes for that can of beans.

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