Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Five Things I Love/Hate About Preppers

I think that anyone that is trying to be prepared for a catastrophe is a smart individual.  As I have said before, any one of dozens of events could occur that would turn our lives upside down.  Weather disasters, loss of your job or true apocalyptic happenings are not just fantasies of someone's imagination.  Preppers are diverse and have many different motivations for their preparations and I basically respect all of their efforts. Some things I love about these cautious and thoughtful folks and some I just can't agree with.

I LOVE-------
         1. People that use their brains to make the most of their resources, even on a limited budget to
         2. People who don't just focus on one type of event, but work on a general preparedness for many eventualities.
         3.  That to really be prepared takes some organization.  You must devote at the minimum a small space, a small amount of your budget and time to have practical stores. (I am a Feng Shui type of gal, I believe that an organized life is a happier life)
        4.  That to be well prepared is to be self sufficient, not counting on someone else to take care of or provide for you.
        5. That to be prepared means you have to open your mind to surviving in a world that does not resemble the one you are accustomed to.

I HATE--------
        1.  People that are arrogant, criticize and look down on the efforts of others to prepare. If you are fortunate enough to have unlimited funds, it may indeed allow you an extravagant hole in the ground and let you survive.  It in no way means that others with less, will not survive.
        2.  People that only prepare for one horrendous event that they become convinced will be the world changing one. What psychic ability would make them know exactly what will occur?
       3.  People that, often under the pretense of being preppers, drop out and remove their family from the good things that are still available in our world.
       4.  People that have no balance, like any obsession or addiction, rob their family of living in the world as it is. Spend too much money and don't make prepping a reasonable part of their budget.
       5.  People that don't have the sense to just teach and caution and guide their children, instead turn them into frightened and distrustful little robots that fear what tomorrow will bring.  

As of this moment, the sun is still in the sky, this box is glaring in my face and we all have work to do. Be prepared, but don't be stupid.   JO

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