Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Friday, November 18, 2016

What's Happening at Your Child's School?

I truly believe that public school should be strictly for education and not for indoctrination.  While a knowledge of current events and civics is part of an education, it is suppose to be offered from a purely unbiased point of view.  Just as there is a mandate for separation of church and state, there is not supposed to be a propaganda filled curriculum where any one political view is promoted.
I have a feeling that no matter which side you were on in the presidential campaign, many of you have been appalled to see and hear what is going on in our schools---from the elementary grades to the high education (supposedly) colleges and universities.  Whether you are sending your young children off to school or your young adults have entered college, the college that you worked, saved and spent a lot of your money to give your child, are you truly okay with the teachers and educators imposing their own political and societal philosophies on your offspring?  Isn't that your place and job?  Are you okay with safe sanctuaries being  created on our college campuses? Is it acceptable to you that it is being taught in a classroom that our new President  is a racist...would it be fine if Hillary Clinton had won and it was being taught that she is a liar and a corrupt cheat?  
I say it is absolutely not the job of schools to choose one political set of beliefs and be allowed to teach that as fact to our children.  Since when, is one faction's values the only right values.  ONE side is not democracy and one side being promoted to our children in schools is not education. It is PURE PROPAGANDA.  You know---propaganda, such as in Communist State controlled countries. 
Not a very high number of citizens have the option of putting their children in private schools where they know what is being taught or home schooling them.  I say, be very watchful of what is happening at your children's school.  Be sure that you talk to them, that they know how you feel about the current events.  And while you're at it, be sure that your mind is not closed and that you teach them to have some room in their mind for opposing views and beliefs. 
This is not the United LIBERAL States of America or the United CONSERVATIVE State of America. This is the constitutionally free UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

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