Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Friday, November 11, 2016

Thanks to our Patriots---Disgust with our traitors

When you march and protest with a loud and strong voice, you are exercising the rights that a free America promises you.  Signs and shouts and any displays of public disagreements are allowed. When you destroy the property of your fellow citizens---as far as I'm concerned, when you burn or desecrate the United States flag, you are a traitor.
The flag is the symbol of ALL Americans and our rights. Most importantly it is a symbol of all the people for over two hundred years that have given the ultimate---have sacrificed their lives, the ones that have lost their health and the families who have grieved for the loss.  Every one paid the highest price to protect the freedom that we all enjoy. 
We have mostly young and spoiled citizens who do not have one clue about sacrifice or patriotism, who are disrespectful and full of their own importance.  They have no idea about what the US flag truly represents.  They have been taught that their wants and needs comes above all. When they cry because the election or any other thing isn't their choice, the get counseling, they don't have to take their exams, they are the downtrodden and oppressed.  
Have any of these people ever stood beside the flag draped coffin of someone they loved?  Do they have anything productive to be doing?  How many of them have spent one single day in a battle zone or in a country where rights and privileges and safety are non existent?  
I believe deeply in every single right that our Constitution guarantees us.  I also believe that people who have no more intelligent way to protest against things that they disagree with than to burn the flag that is not just theirs but ALL American's, are disgusting and show complete disregard for the rights of others.  Exercise all the rights that you are promised, but I believe that desecrating the flag should be against our laws.
I give my thanks to each and every member of our military and to all of our patriots.  To flag burners, I say "Shame on you. You're an embarrassment."

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