Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Monday, August 15, 2016

Where Is Your Happy Place?

Too much politics, tv and internet will beat you right down into a deep depressing hole.  You simply must abstain from all that stuff for a while and find your happy place.
If I had to say there was one secret to finding happiness, it would be to MOVE.  No matter your age or situation, activity is the very best medicine for depression and the only real answer for staying as healthy as possible.
I'm not saying you have to climb mountains or run for miles. I'm simply suggesting that you lift your butt up and change it's location and look for a fresh attitude while your doing that.  Since I write, I can very easily find that I've spent hours in front of the computer.  It's also easy to get side tracked while researching and fall into the mire of bad & sad news, crappy politics and stupid human actions. 
Of course, each of us has to find their own peaceful and joyful place. One thing for sure, you will not get there without some effort. Here are some of the simple things I do to get happy:
                  * I actually play a mindless game on the laptop or my Kindle. It's good for the old brain and can be a complete distraction.
                  * I spend anywhere from a half hour to an hour in the yard, usually early morning. I water, prune and maintain the few flowers and four tomato plants that we have. Purposefully, I fill my gallon pitcher and walk to and from each location, enjoy looking at them and caring for them. I don't feed the birds but I do have several water containers (Sorry, if mosquitos and standing water is a no-no at your place) I greatly enjoy seeing the variety of birds that come to sip. Have to fill the containers everyday.
                 * I go to the small town that is near us, park the car and walk to the $ Store or grocery store or just around for a bit.
                 * I get out my camera, walk around outside and look for an interesting pic to take.
                 * I am very organized and I keep things squared away in the house.
                 *The hubby and I like to take day trips in the area, rock hunting, off road, occasionally some shopping---a change of routine and scenery.
These activities may sound boring as all get out to you, but they are motion and distraction. You must find your own places.  I do know that the world is actually a beautiful thing for the most part.   Buy and wear something you would normally not wear, eat something that you've never tried, have a sense of humor, listen to your favorite music, allow yourself to NOT do something that you think you need to do today, say "I love you, sorry but no."  Just give yourself a break.
If  breaks from responsibility are a constant in your life, then giving yourself another won't help. But when you open up to change or different as an exception to your norm, it can be very liberating. Like one of my favorite quotes, Don't do the same thing over and over and expect different results---that's the gist of it, at least. 
Breathe, find that happy place and let yourself dance around in it for a while.

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