Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Does He Have the Right?

    Did Mr. Kaepernick have the right to not stand up for the Star Spangled Banner and the flag? Absolutely, he had the right. Should he have exercised his right at the football game? Absolutely not.
    Why would I be so sure of this? Because the American flag is the symbol of his rights. It represents ALL Americans and their guaranteed liberties.  It represents the unity of America. We all should believe in the freedoms that are protected for United States citizens on American soil.  Especially, if you have grievances, if you're protesting what you believe to be injustices in this country---you should be waving that flag proudly over your head. Under the protecting blanket of the stars and stripes you are promised that you can stand up, speak out and fight for change, with no punishment.
    We should stand and honor the flag together, always in unity. Then you are free to go your own way and exercise your right to correct the wrongs.  Freedom isn't the same as disrepect.  Just because you're allowed to do or say something doesn't mean it's the decent thing to do. The flag should never be dishonored, it should never be a question that it fly over American soil.  In all public places, any place (including our public schools) that is supported and sustained by the citizens tax dollars, it should be displayed.  It should not be accepted or allowed that it be desecrated or disrepected.
    We can be a diverse melting pot of a country, we can disagree and loudly protest. We can even rant and rave and cast our vote in defiance of our government. We should be able to agree on one truth, we are FREE and we have a national anthem and a flag that are symbols of that one truth.  It seems that we've become very confused in this country about what our rights are and what our responsibilities are as citizens to be a part of a unified people.  Since I have a right to my opinion, I say that Colin Kaepernick has many options and opportunities, both financial and celebrity wise, to make his protests public and to contribute to changing what he sees as a bad situtation. His flag is MY flag and we both should respect our flag and our country.

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