Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Get a Job

Black lives matter

Ban guns, ban the Confederate flag, ban memorials, monuments, history books or any public display of things that offend one particular group.

Non citizens of the United States are entitled to the same privileges and rights as citizens.

Everyone is entitled to go to college and everyone should go for free, paid for by tax dollars. As a matter of fact, everyone should have equal everything. Even though we will all have nothing, that's right because no one will have more than you.

These are just a few of the outrageous and very loud demands and beliefs that are being promoted in our free country these days.  These are not the words of democracy, these are not part of the guaranteed liberties in our constitution...these are socialist ideas and these are alarmingly similar to creeds of the Nazis. 
Here are some of the bone chilling quotes of Adolph Hitler:
Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it.
The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.
It is not truth that matters but victory.
The day of individual happiness has passed.

How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think.

Do any of these statements remind you of the events and  rantings of today? We are in danger of losing our beautiful land of the brave and free. We're being ruled by the very small minorities and our long held values are being de-valued. We're being smothered in the falseness and mass hysteria of polictical correctness and we're being manipulated and cheated by corrupt government law makers.

The true freedom loving citizens of America need to wake up and those that would divide us in able to conquer us, need to back up. To those destructive dividers and the self serving liars I say...
       "Get a job, get a life. Find a purpose for your existence and don't blame the world for your failure to thrive. Pursue your own happiness and quit trying to tear down the very principles that allow you that right. Your guaranteed liberties never included the right for you to deprive others of their rights. The United States only has one grand promise, freedom for all. The politicians that are promising you all the things you think you need and deserve in life,  THEY ARE LYING TO YOU. You were never guaranteed a college education, a job or success and prosperity. You were only guaranteed the equal right to work for those things. Your fellow citizens do not owe you for long ago injustices, you are not entitled to a prosperous life, it has to be earned. Get over yourself, get some guts and stop whining. Get out of my country unless you want to get on with the business of living together in OUR country."


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