Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Right Place

Sometimes, in spite of ourselves, we land on the right spot. The hubby and I just returned to our hometown area in Texas, for the holidays and a three month visit with friends and family. Luck seemed to be following us.

Earlier, when we left in the Spring for our season in the cool climate of Colorado, we had only set up our new travel trailer once and lived in it for about three weeks. It was stored away for the summer. We had intentions to return to the same campground where we had previously stayed.  I won't go into the the lengthy story of why we changed our mind about that plan. I will say that even though the campground was a very nice place,  the owner was unwelcoming and placed an unreasonably high value on his accommodations. 

We made a decision to try a RV park that we had only made a brief drive through before we left for the summer.  What a fortunate choice that turned out to be.  As you can see, it's a beautiful place.  The deck was already there, in front of our nicely graveled spot and the green grass rolls right down to a shallow bay that branches off a large East Texas lake.  With the wonderful Fall weather we're currently having,  there is no question this is a great place for us to be.  But, the beauty of the place isn't the main reason that it's so special.  The owner of this park and his wife are what's special.

From the moment that we dragged the big trailer to our spot until today, nearly a week later, these folks have been right here offering to help in any way they could to make us comfortable and welcome. From helping us set up the trailer, to finding someone to do a repair, to providing clean, excellently maintained facilities, this person has many times made our life so much simpler.  Just about the time you begin to have doubts if any good people are left  in our world, someone quietly steps up and proves that there are indeed some very exceptional ones. With an upbeat attitude and a smile, this man is generous and truly cares about the residents of his park. As good often attracts good, there is a community here of very nice folks.  Out of approximately seventy "campers", most full time RVers, we haven't met one that isn't nice and very happy to be here.

A while back, I wrote that I just wanted to find one good man to be our president. While the owner of this place will not be our president, he is absolutely such a good man.   For us, this is further confirmation that our downsizing adventure is a positive change in our life.  For our important time at home, we've found the right place.

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