Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Thursday, October 15, 2015


It doesn't matter what your political preference is, it's important that we all pay attention to what is being said by the folks that are asking to be the new leader of country.  I agree that the constant rhetoric is boring and after a while you just zone out and quit hearing. Some promises are so worn out...I'll do this, trust me I'll fix that, I'll create jobs, I'll fix the economy, I'll fix health care, I'll not be partisan...For the most part, the fixers and bloviaters are just making promises that they cannot keep. In other words, they are liars.

The danger my friends, is in the repetitive words that you begin to not notice.  I think the most threatening word that the politicians use is "control".  When the representatives of our government or those that want that job start talking about control, our liberties are in peril. It's easy to go along, think something sounds good when it is an issue that's important to you. Think beyond what only affects you personally and about the real implications of some of these intrusive restrictions of our rights. Freedoms do not apply to just the specific ones that each of us prefer, it applies to all.   Listen very closely when any of  these candidates expound on what they will control.

Warning!   Gun CONTROL will not solve our problems of crime and terrorism.  The bad guys will get their guns, only the lawful will be weaponless.  Our constitution guaranteed the citizens the right to own guns as personal protection and protection from a government that might  grow too controlling, as history proves has and can happen. Vladimir Lenin, the 19th century communist revolutionary said, "One man with a gun can control one hundred men without." Do you really want the "one" gun to be held by our government?

Warning!  Climate CONTROL is an oxymoron. We humans cannot control nature or climate. We may have some minor influences negative or positive. Diminishing our pollution of the world is a worthy endeavor but making humans the cause of the earth's evolving climate is arrogant and an excuse for certain activists to control our behavior to fit their idea  of what's right. If humans and their evil material lives are so detrimental to the climate, what caused all the climate changes before  humans.  If methane from cows is so toxic (as some nut case declared a few years ago) then can you imagine what mountainous piles of dinosaur poop must've done to the planet?

Warning! Health Care CONTROL. No lengthy explanation needed. We're a capitalist system and the government has no business in regulating and dispensing health care. No socialist health care system in the world is successful for the patients. It really makes no difference what you pay when you die waiting for your turn to be treated.

Warning! Wealth CONTROL.  The redistribution of wealth is a disastrous and stupid philosophy. When a government decides that everyone will have the same, then everyone has a little of nothing. Even if you don't or aren't able to work, even if you're on welfare, would you like it if the government came to you and said, "You receive a considerable amount more benefit than your neighbor, so we're going to take some of yours away and give to him."  Luck and good fortune, hard work and smarts make people prosperous.  Bad luck and misfortune, laziness and stupidity make people poor.  It is the facts of life. No other country in the world has more opportunity for changing your life status than America.  No government has the right to decide who has what.

I haven't been able to erase from my mind the story of the woman from Austria who lived through the holocaust and said, "We stood in the streets and shouted and clapped, welcomed Hitler. He was to be our savior. He didn't have to fire a shot to conquer us. Let this be a warning to Americans."   This is our warning. We are free, our government was never meant to control our lives, it is there to serve and protect.

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