Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Monday, February 23, 2015

Sizing Down

In the middle of this cold and dreary winter season, the hubby and I are up to our necks in some pretty big changes.  In a  couple of weeks we will have our house, here in our hometown, on the market for sale.  We're not giving up home roots by any means.  Just as we've done for the last nearly ten years, we will continue to share our time between our Texas hometown and our summer cabin in Colorado. We simply are not going to maintain a house here. Once the house is sold, we'll store a travel trailer here and use it like an apartment when we are at home.

It seems like an understatement to say that this project involves sizing down...this project involves major downsizing.  It's a bit like the old saying, "How do you eat an elephant?"  Just one small bite at a time. We've been consistently chewing away lately.  One thing that we've become convinced of is that this is a very good thing. Even if some unforeseen event stopped this ambitious plan in it's tracks, we are moving a long way towards simplifying our life.  Today, our lives are extremely cluttered and complicated. We have lots of stuff. That stuff often gets packed away, pushed back, to make room for new stuff. 

Here are some tips about downsizing that I've come to realize:

        *Our hearts tell us that some things must be held on to.  You know..."Oh-h, that's grandma's favorite bowl. Everytime I look at it, I remember ???" When's the last time you looked at it? What good is it doing in the top of cabinet collecting dust?  Either, get rid of one of your bowls and USE the keepsake or give it to the kids. Surprise, you say, they don't want it. Then, keep a thing or two in a place where you can see and enjoy it or sell it.  Give the kids the money. I promise they won't turn that down.

        *Start going through your accumulation, a bit at a time, now. Don't wait until something forces you to get rid of things or leave the children burdened with the disposal of your things.  They will sell it for a 25 cents in a garage sale or give it to the Goodwill.  Pare down your things while you have time to do what you want with it. 

        *Be ruthless and be organized.  When you tackle a closet or under the bed or a storage cabinet, have several boxes or plastic storage totes available.  If it's no longer good to you, you don't want it, put it in the "sale" box and put a price on it...what would you sell it for in a sale? When it's time for that sale, it will be a lot easier.  Make hard choices.  Try to keep the true keepsakes to pack away at a minimum.  Decide if you can display or use other things that you've just saved.  Example, my mother-in-law's silverplate ware has lived, in it's case, under many a cabinet for years.  I actually like the set. Supposedly, it's not good to put silverware in the dishwasher. Well, in a travel trailer, no dishwasher. I'm going to use it, suddenly feel excited about having it. The same for some other collected and inherited dishware...I'm going to use it. 

        *Label every box and storage box, so you know what you have.

You would be amazed at how good it feels to get rid of things that just lurk and never really get used. You really don't have to have several of everything, just the useful amount and your favorite.  Get busy, you will feel better and smaller.

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