Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Thursday, December 25, 2014

One Child is Born

Twenty three years ago, on a cold and gray Christmas morning, I sat in this rocking chair, in a hospital room. I held the most beautiful human being I had ever seen, other than my own three adorable daughters, born to me approximately twenty years earlier. This was my first born grand child, less than twelve hours old. It was an amazing experience. In the days of the birth of my own children, you practically had to beg to get your sweet new baby brought to you. Now, here I rocked with my brand new first born grandchild in my arms. The most special Christmas gift that I ever received.

It was the youth of our grandparent-hood and we would be fortunate to have several more grand children. Each of them, are important and unique and so loved. Still, any grandparent would admit to a special little place in their heart for that very first one to arrive in your life.  The last twenty plus years have put gray in my hair and pounds on my body. The lessons learned as I watched my children's adult lives unfold and then my grand babe's are more than I can count.

I think that the biggest lesson I've learned is that we can't wrap up our children or grand children in a blanket of our own dreams and hopes and wishes. Oh, how we wish we could...look at that tiny creature in the picture. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had a magic to insure that their lives would be happy and healthy. The truth of life, of course, is that there is no magic. We can only love them and teach them the best that we know how. They must find their own path, make their own mistakes and seek their own happiness.

Those we love have the ability to make us so proud and also the ability to disappoint and make us sad.  At my age, I've found this place of peace and acceptance.  It makes no difference if my prodigy go the direction I wanted, it only matters to me that they don't waste the gifts of intelligence  and opportunity that were given to them. It matters to me that they live their life with responsibility and accountability, in whatever direction they choose.

On this Christmas Day, I remember the pure joy that was in my heart on that morning so long ago, when that one child was born.  I remember all the years and children,  the dances and giggles, the anticipation of waiting for them to open their presents and the excited looks on their faces, the special days shared with family. Family that even with all their differences, shared food and laughter and a few hours when the world slowed just a little and we all felt safe and bonded....a touch of magic.

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