Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Friday, December 19, 2014

O. M. G. S. T. U. P. I. D.

Kids say "I want it, real bad."  I still feel that way sometimes. Today, I want real bad to gripe and complain, rant and scream about the politics and political correctness of America these days. But-t, I really promised that I would stay away from those things because they usually, in the end, make me the ass and tend to send my blood pressure through the roof.  So, as a compromise, I'm just going to talk about STUPID. Heaven knows there's plenty of that to go around. 

The Declaration of Independence stated that, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. The official definition of "all" is everything and everybody. All is 100% inclusive, there is no exclusion what so ever in all.  Why would anybody take offense or anybody have to apologize for saying "All lives matter."?    Human beings can be relied on to exert, with vigor, their God given right to be stupid---Dean Koontz

Our guaranteed right of free speech, to have a voice and to protest does not include the right to camp on taxpayer paid for public properties for unlimited time spans and use it for your toilet. It does not include the right to loot and steal from your fellow citizens or to damage and deface private or public properties. All have a right for others not to do that. For the first time, the weird and the stupid and the coarse are becoming our cultural norms, even our cultural idea.---Carl Bernstein

If you put naked photos of yourself on your phone, if you tell all of your private business on social media, if you go to parties and get stinking drunk or high as a do not deserve to have your privacy violated or to be raped. There are laws against those things. However, you still must be accountable and responsible for your own personal behavior.  As Forest Gump's mother told him (and probably your own) Stupid is as stupid does. 

Just because someone has been in movies, on television or joined the completely insane social media circus doesn't mean they know diddly squat about some things, particularly the extremely complex issues of our world. Visibility and celebrity does not make someone an expert. We need to stop listening to, giving credence to opinions and declarations that go dead against the self-evident truths that we hold in our hearts. We are all born ignorant, but one has to work hard to remain stupid.---Benjamin Franklin

The ever honest Ron White said, You can't fix stupid. I agree that it is an incurable and often fatal disease and obviously contagious.  Are all of our law enforcement officers racists and abusive? NO.
Are all of our black citizens criminals? NO.  Are all of our white, non black citizens racists? NO. Is our country currently being ruled by self serving politicians, severely tilted media and small loud groups who want to divide us? YES.  In order for the rights of all to be protected, those that believe in a free and democratic society will have to move to a middle ground and leave those that would purposefully divide us in the ditch. Some will always promote and perpetrate bad and destructive behavior but all have the right to speak against it. Every American citizen should find the courage to call ignorance what it is...stupid.

An intelligent hell would be better than a stupid paradise.---Victor Hugo

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