Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Threat

America's and it's citizen's biggest threat these days is complacency, political correctness and a cum-ba-ya foreign policy.  I'm about to express my extremely concerned, politically incorrect and unfriendly world view opinion of why our country is in such high peril. 

We are as a whole, so complacent, so confident that there couldn't be a real effective invasion of our soil. I myself, don't deny that sometimes I refuse to even watch or listen to the news, not wanting to hear the horrendous happenings of the world.  Someone I actually respect said, no one person or small group could do us widespread harm.  We have weapons, guns. We will not just be run over by an invading force. Really? what is not massive? not widespread?  Was 9-11 a small incident?  What about if a quarter of Texas was blown up or half of Houston with a suitcase bomb? It's true, an enemy might not be able to accomplish the complete take over of our country, but the catastrophic results of multiple attacks would shake us to our core and could cripple us on many levels.

You are very naïve if you don't recognize that a terrorist such as the one in the picture...who is about to behead the person beside him has no soul or conscious or respect for life. "Behead" is actually a sanitized term for this act of evil. Just ask any doctor what it would actually entail to take the head off a human with a knife.  Such a person would not blink at swimming across the Rio Grande with a suitcase bomb or indeed, tying it to the back of a child. And you are just plain stupid if you don't accept by now that our southern border is not a border, it is a freeway. 

And here is the totally incorrect thing.  These people are not just over in some distant land, sliming along on the sand and taking off people's heads. These enemies are right here, already in our midst. Douglas MacArthur said, I am concerned for the security of our great Nation, not so much from the threats from without, but from the insidious forces working within. Funny, how that applies. And much more recently, the ever charming late Hugo Chavez said, America will fall without a shot fired.

We have become so entrapped in our own exaggerated political correctness that if the devil himself was walking down our street, we wouldn't dare say, "Wait a minute! That's the devil."  If he's not the devil, then why would he be trying to appear to be. Make no mistake, that person in the picture is an evil threat and he wants all of us to know it.  I am not a racist, I am not a bigot and other than the normal human prejudices that we're not supposed to admit to anymore, I'm a fairly tolerant and accepting person.  If it looks and quacks like duck, good chance it's a duck. I have a right, it is not an insult for me to say, "You are a duck, right?" Instead of using common sense, we seem to be determined to rush madly to the opposite end of reason. We're putting on our blinders and allowing potentially dangerous people to merge into our society and we are loosing our freedom to even ask them if they mean us harm. 

The cold hard reality, folks, is that Americans are not well liked in the world. Mostly because the world is rapidly becoming infested with terrorists that make no bones about hating us. We are truly not safe outside of America and very threatened inside.  I do not feel friendly, I do not want to hold your hand and sing around the campfire while you saw away at my head. America's closed eyes, open borders and refusal to smell the stinking tide of hate that is spreading across the seas to us, could
be our doom.

What can we do?  Prepare. On whatever level you are able to, for yourself and your family. Whether from hate or from nature, you have very little control. Only your own self sufficiently will give you a chance to survive.

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