Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Naked Truth

If only I was smart enough to claim that this is just one thing that I don't get about life...not so.  My mind literally crawls with bugs of doubt all the time.  While this does not rise to the level of terrorism, viruses and congress, it still just perplexes me.  Blame it on my age, if you like. Makes me no never mind. 

In the news recently and occasionally, there are the stories of the poor, sad and maligned celebrities who had their privacy invaded. Oh my goodness, they spread nude pictures of themselves on electronic devices and some person of low character had the nerve to make those images available for the world to view.  Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying for one moment that I don't think celebrities have a right to privacy.  I honestly believe that much of the media world are slimey stalkers that will do anything for a picture or story.  However, here is where I get real "bugged" with non comprehension.

As has commonly become the routine these days, the spin is my rights trump your rights.  The paparazzi would certainly claim that the public has a right to know.  Know what? that their favorite famous person has a freckle on their butt? Wrong...not a right of the slinking reporters to know things about those they stalk and not a right of the general public voyeurs who somehow find it tintillating to know any little scrap about someone they've seen on tv or in the movies or on the internet. Our society is so bass-ackwards these days that criminals sue their victims. Obviously, someone doesn't have the right to by whatever means,  steal information from your phone. 

Here is the burning question. Someone please explain to me why a person would take naked pictures of themselves and put them on their phone?  Is it for their life partner, the person they're intimate with?  Seems to me that the partner doesn't need a picture...they've seen you naked, right? Then what else is the reason,  for your family, your mother, your friends?  I'm sorry but why would you take and display nude pictures of yourself?  If it's private, just for yourself, then I just don't want to think about the weird-ness of that. 

It is the same kind of ridiculous logic that makes a person stand in front of the corn flakes in the grocery store and out loud talk about the most personal things. If I was to say, "Excuse me honey, I think you ought to see a doctor about that rash" or "shouldn't you report that s.o.b. to the police?" the talker would be appalled, even though they are "sharing" their private information with all of the poor unfortunates merely trying to buy food. I mean, the rest of the world is supposed to put their hands over their eyes, ears and mouths like monkeys...the idiots actually believe they have a right to public privacy.

 I must be old fashioned and totally not savvy. It seems that if you're on your own private property, if you're behind closed doors, you do have a right to your privacy.  Public places are not your private spaces, you are to share those with others.   If you are on the wide open world networks, facebooking and tweeting, texting, sans clothing and you think that your privacy is promised, that you are secure, then you've got a lot more missing than your clothes.  What gets me the most is that in today's world, you would run down the street naked and then have the nerve to complain, that pervert looked at me!

If we want privacy, we have a huge personal responsibility to insure it.  I may not be a genius and this is just my opinion. If you don't want something seen, shared or talked about, do not make it available.  Don't display your bare bottom selfies on your cell phone. You might as well rent one of those big flashing billboards, spread your lovely nudeness across it, and title it, "Don't Look at This".

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