Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Friday, July 11, 2014

Perfect Proof

I've said before that my novels aren't The Great American Novels or even what you would call best sellers.  I have sold several thousand copies and learned what seems like several thousand lessons.  One of the hardest lessons was to try and ignore my reviews.  Think about it, if someone made a public comment about something you said or did or created, would you want to hear it?  I've managed to reach a point of  not compulsively checking on the reviews. I do periodically check on the number of books selling and yes, on the reviews.  I try to dig through, pick out the truths and address the criticism if possible and sometimes am actually able to say "forget you!" to a harsh comment. That is, say it in my mind.

 Keep in mind, if you don't know, my fictional novels all deal with the premise that a world changing event has occurred. A human created or natural event has knocked out the power grids, worldwide. It is "The End of the World as We Know It".  My stories are basically not about what specifically happened. They are about the results of such an event and the families, how they are surviving the aftermath.

That being said, late last evening I sat in my PJ's in my favorite comfy chair, scanned through some stats, etc. in the glow of my gadget...the hubby and I refer to our Kindles as "gadgets".  There was a new review of one of my books, so I checked it out.  It was a decent appraisal, not that it matters (?!)
About three or four paragraphs down, I noticed another review that I hadn't previously read. The first comment was tolerable, why hadn't anyone turned on the radio and found out what happened? Okay, even with no power there would be working, battery powered radios. Some prepared folks would have generators and other power sources.  Would any broadcasts be received? Optimistically, some emergency information. It would be dependent on how catastrophic the original event was. I give this critic that one.

Then came the statement that is perfect proof of the inane lack of logic in so much of the present population... for gods sakes, somebody check their Ipod to see what people are saying on Facebook !!  This is a direct quote, I swear.  It demonstrates exactly, the vision that I have of the chaotic scene of a complete power down situation.  Hoardes of people climbing out of dead vehicles in massive traffic jams, holding their cell phones in the air, cursing McDonalds for leaving them stuck in line. OMG, I began to LMAO!  The hubby just glared at me and I handed the gadget to him, for him to read.  He looked over his reading glasses, with the disgusted look that old folks like us so often display and then we were both hysterically laughing. It's so scary that it's just painfully funny.

Now, I'm about as tech savvy as the lady on the tv commercial that pops out her CD player and proudly places her coffee cup in it.  But, bless their hearts, these folks are going to be in deep do-do when the stuff hits the fan.  The only thing that cell phone is going to be good for is to beat someone with it that is trying to take the one package of ramen noodles on their shelf. 

The scenarios and possibilities for disastrous happenings are so numerous and varied.  I'm not a believer in not living in today's world and enjoying it. I am a believer in preparing, to the best of your ability and resources, for a day that everything would not fit into that perfect routine of life we have all become accustomed to.  I have my own little initials for the spoiled and totally unaware in our population...the CNs (complete ninny), GIs (genetic idiot) and HUTAs (head up their ass) masses that plummet down our highways, texting, tweeting, twirking and facebooking, utterly oblivious to the world around them. They will be "fiddling" with their phones, searching for someone on facebook to announce that the world is ending, so bend over and KYAG (kiss your ass goodbye).

Just had to vent, what amazing times we live in.  The most informed human beings ever in existence, therefore we should be the smartest human beings ever in existence...right?  Anyway, if the world crashes, the s--t hits the fan,  Call me....

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