Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Year Without Summer

In the wonderful place that I am privileged to spend my summers these days, the climate is something to brag about. Especially since I have spent my whole life in my beloved home, Texas,  where the summer is like a super sauna, sometimes for six month of the year.  One thing for sure, whatever the climate, you have no control.

This has certainly been a year that is out of the norm. At least, it seems so in my experience. I feel like the little cutie in the pic.  It's supposed to be the peak of summer, August the 1st. Today's high temperature was 58 degrees. It seems I  need my jacket and my flip flops. 

Are humans responsible for the weather, for climate changes? No question we have an impact on the planet. Everything on the planet has an impact on the earth. From the ugly old beetle, creeping along the ground, the gopher busy throwing up piles of soil in your yard or the beaver building  dams in the river.  The earth is extremely interactive and everything that is on it, is even the tiniest particle of it, everything that ends it's cycle and becomes part of the soil again,  has influence. 

Just my personal opinion, but there have been cataclysmic, earth shattering changes and adjustments on our planet, a very long time before we humans were even a part of the mix.  While I greatly respect our beautiful place to exist and think we should do all we can to not just recklessly cause know that old saying, don't poop where you sleep. I doubt very seriously that mere humans have the power to change the unpredictable and inevitable consequences of hurling through space on a ball with hell for a center. 

I even heard a rumor that some believe our government has gained the knowledge and power to manipulate and control rain clouds and other weather. Really?  The closest we come to controlling mother nature's weather patterns is that expensive air conditioning that I pump into every place I happen to be when I'm in Texas in the summer.  Control the climate? As usual we humans are totally full of ourselves.

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