Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Friday, June 27, 2014

What You Need...A Little Attitude Adjustment

Funny, how the statement, What you need is a little attitude adjustment can mean anything from the literal definition to "Maybe you need someone to knock a little sense into you."  Remember, in the old Cher movie, Moonstruck, when she slapped Nicolas Cage and screamed, "Snap out of it!".  Just like that, sometimes we need to just snap out of it. 

One of the hardest things for us to do is adjust our attitude. It would seem that with so much information easily available to us, so many views and versions being poured on us, that we would constantly be adjusting our attitude.  We should be sifting through all the data and searching for the truth, not that the truth is always clear or easy to uncover.  Amazingly, we have an uncanny ability to take huge amounts of information and twist it to support our already predetermined opinions. 

There are some wonderful giving, generous and open minded people in our world and the majority of us have some one or some thing in our life that we would sacrifice all for.  But, the bottom line, the fact of human nature is that the world revolves around our little center.  Things track right back to what we personally need, fear, want, how every small happening makes us feel and effects us...that is, ME. Perhaps it's a deep ingrained instinct in us for survival.

 Think about it, you get this bit of information that "You know, Mary just really doesn't like you for some reason."  You say you don't believe that, that's just silly.  But from that moment on, how hard is it to not take everything Mary says and does more personally.  Once it has been planted in your mind that someone doesn't like you, it's so easy to perceive something negative in every thing they do and say. You begin to gather proof that she does not like you. 

Attitude adjustment is complicated.  Our intelligence may be telling us that the possibilities are many, but our instinct is telling us, I'm just confident. I know what I know, believe what I believe. It's not that we shouldn't have our beliefs and be sure of them, but in order to not live in a very constricted world, we have to move away from that little self center.  We have to step over into the open part of our mind.  No matter how certain we are of our beliefs and positions, it will become very lonely and depressing in our little center.  If we don't give any consideration to the opinions of others, compare their ideas,  how can we be truly confident of where we stand.

Sometimes, we do need a little jolt .  We need to leave all of our preconceived certainties in our center and roam around in the open, check out some other folk's certainties, other folk's dreams. When we return to our small center, even though a little beat up,  perhaps we'll have a thing or two to add or OMG, maybe we'll throw a thing or two out.  Hank Williams, Jr. sang,
                        It was an attitude adjustment, made me feel just fine.....
                       An attitude adjustment, it'll work every time.

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