Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Lazy Prepper

I have to agree with Garfield, even though I'm not a "cat" person. Mornings are just...early. Seems like my gears don't start moving until greased with coffee. And even following several hours of laying in bed and sleeping,  I seem to need another hour of  resting in my chair. You could call that lazy. I call it my warm up. 

I read a quote that said it well, "In order to counteract my laziness, I need obsession."  Sorry, that is a loose quoting and I don't remember the quote-er.  Rang very true to me, though. With a new interest or endeavor, I jump in enthusiastically and usually become slightly compulsive in my pursuit. Typically, I wear myself out and when the shine has dimmed, the newness faded, I become lazy.

This is the case with Prepping. Honestly, being prepared for disastrous possibilities is something I very much believe is important.  Our world is unpredictable and perilous on many levels. A can of beans could make the difference in another day of survival for you or your family.  Still, after an initial concentrated effort about a year and a half ago, to build a supply of food, water, medications and other provisions for a survival situation, I became lazy.  I go in my closet on occasion, searching for a item that I've ran out of or something to make a meal from and I don't always remember these days to replace that item I pilfered. I'm feeling quite guilty that I haven't been emptying a few containers of my stored water on my flower beds or lawn and refilling them.

In my defense, I say that it is not pure laziness, it's also distraction. Things like everyday life, my writing...which I discovered is another project that requires discipline when the fresh excitement has waned...get in the way, detour your mind and energies into other directions.  There is a good thing, however, about prepping.  Not only is it beneficial on any level you choose to prepare, whether you slide some extra supplies under your bed or have a whole basement full of stores, once you've made a start you can return to a neglected cache.  I can march right out there today and empty some water containers and refill, the containers are already there and thank heavens, the water is there.  When I go to the grocery store this week, I can buy a few extra things to replace some I have "borrowed" from my storage.  I've always maintained that some is better than none, when it comes to prepping.

Bottom line is that I'm a lazy prepper these days, but I am a Prepper.

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