Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year's Wishes

This year has slipped away and 2013 looms ahead. The last day of 2012 will find me admitting to another birthday. Unfortunately, my driver's license, the one with the picture of me that looks exactly like Charlie Brown with hair, will not let me deceive myself about my age. The years seem to be coming and going at break neck speed these days. They bump and twist along and I am eternally amazed to reach the conclusion of the year all in one piece and on my feet.

In our family, one of our movie favorites is Parenthood, with Steve Martin. As the children have become adults and parents, they have learned to appreciate the pearls of wisdom buried in the dialogue, much more.

In the movie, the tiny aged grandmother said, "In life, some folks like to ride the roller coaster and some like the merry-go-round...I never cared for the merry-go-round, it just goes round and round." When I first heard that statement, I thought Right! the roller coaster is much more exciting. I never liked the clickety-clackety pulling up to the peak, but I loved the breath taking thrill as you eased over the top and whizzed to the bottom curve. These days, I am not really "up" for those highs and lows and bottom dropping out rides. On the other hand, I still don't like the monotonous merry-go-round.  And I always hated the ferris wheel. That perilous, swinging lift away from solid ground, up into the sky leaves me with far too little control. No thanks, I prefer my feet on the good old earth. The great thing about the life amusement park is that you have lots of choices. You can ride anything you like or you can choose not to ride one single creaking apparatus.

Maybe I am not a young girl and have ridden my last roller coaster. Although, one never knows. I remember my grandparents taking the teen aged sweethearts to the big Texas State Fair. I can still hear in my memory the squeals and laughter of my grandmother and see my grandfather holding on to his Stetson hat, as we all rode the huge lumbering roller coaster. I may have my feet on the ground, but I am not giving up the sights, sounds and tastes  of life as it churns on. Another year has become history and I see a new one rising, like a big red sun. A quote that I like is; no matter what your past has been, you have a spotless future. This is true, every new year, every new day is a fresh opportunity to seek joy.

Around these parts, following a bit of two stepping or just friends and games, we eat black-eyed peas at midnight for luck and toast in the New Year.  Whatever  your celebration, may it be safe and enjoyable. May your friendships light your way and your enemies stump their toes in the dark.

Happy New Year! JO

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