Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The DumbDay Preppers

My list of things that make me crazy is extensive and you might say "fluid". Something is always pushing the first thing off of the list, something more outrageous and mind boggling than what was sitting there.  I have vowed to stay away from politics on this blog. Frankly because the state of present day government and politics is enough to make me want to, zombie like, follow those lemming rats right off the side of the cliff.

When something does aggravate me to the point of suicidal rat state, I would like to sit cross legged on the floor, make little circles with my fingers, sing ohm-m-m and breathe deep. The problem is, I can not sit with my legs crossed or ever rise again from such a position, my finger wants to send a different message, the ohm would be more of a scream and some things make me so blasted mad that  I can't breathe.

It's pretty hard to knock off my eternal number one on my list, it's pushed down on occasion but always returns to the top.  The fact that my tax dollars, my hard earned money pays for people to have FREE cell phones.  I can barely restrain myself from plowing over the idiots that paid for them their self and go two miles an hour in front of me, just chatting and texting away, with my big old gas guzzling SUV. The idea that I am paying for someone's device of death just makes that insane feeling creep up my spine. 

Today, friends, something just pushed that right off the top of the list. This is the subject that I promised would often be discussed here. I am a prepper. Perhaps not the queen of preppers, but I do believe in preparing for unexpected and unpleasant events.  I do, quite regularly watch Doomsday Preppers on the National Geographic channel. Did you get that? National Geographic, the folks that bring us awesome and stunning depictions of the beauty of the earth, of the animals, of the wonders. I watch, DDP with curiosity, thinking that most often they have stories of over the top preppers. Not your everday average person, but people with lots of money and not near as much sense. Still, I watch.

Then, last evening, Nat Geo joined the rest of the immoral idiots who run that giant manure spreader, Television. They decided to make their little drama about a blanking criminal that claims he will pillage and plunder his neighbors when the S--t Hits The Fan. That low life, that sprawling mass of stupid, broadcast on national television that he is not wasting his time preparing for survival, he is planning to take what you have prepared. If that does not put the thick "do-do" icing on the cake, I don't know what does.  I could Rave On like Buddy Holly, but I am not. National Geographic Doomsday Preppers insulted preppers,...Hell, they insulted humans JO

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