Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Am I an Author?

What a question it is, am I actually an author?  Less than a year ago, I decided that I wanted an e-reader because I have always loved to read, but I found that it was harder and harder to read the words in printed books. So, I bought an Amazon Kindle and was so enjoying it.

My friends and family will tell you that I am a person who has never been at a loss for words. I am really a words person.  I have had some blogs, always wrote letters about the hubby and I's travels, events in my life etc. Now at my mature age, I am even quite popular (sadly) at writing the epitaphs of those I love and lose.  Sometimes, my friends would say, "Oh, you should write a book or something."  That's a nice and intriguing thought, but honestly in the day when that would have meant agents, publishers, editors and more, it really was never feasible for me. Then this amazing thing, the internet and even more amazing, independent publishing evolved.  Suddenly, things that had been completely improbable become very possible. Even the hubby said, why not, go for it. Of course, the poor man was looking for his personal relief from my constant banter at any cost. 

My e-reader became a catalyst and a pathway for my writing to become public. I had become very interested and actually a believer in the prepper philosophy.  I didn't doubt the likelihood of several catastrophic scenarios occurring in America. I just did not see how a person could go wrong by being at least prepared on a minimum level for survival of such events. My love of writing and my interest in the prepper philosophy came together.  I went from voraciously reading dystopian type fiction to writing it. 

I have published in e-book form and in two paperbook volumes, five books in the category of Dystopian Science Fiction, this year.  I self published my first book, with the thought that maybe twenty of my friends and family would read it. I expected that I would give it to most of those readers. To my and the spouses astonishment, far more than twenty actually bought and read my book.  Books, II, III and IV followed and just this last week, my fifth.

My point here, is if you have ever thought that you might like to it!  The world is wide open for you.  I admit that it does take a tough skin.  Amidst all the nice and encouraging readers that I have been blessed with, there are no lack of those perfectly willing to tell me where I have gone wrong. Indeed, many have expressed the opinion that I suck at writing, grammar, punctuation; perhaps am too stupid to be alive. Finally, I have climbed over that small mountain and stand on the rise and shout, "Who gives a rat's old behind, what you think!"

It's  an astounding new world out there, miraculous and scary, fun and horrific at the same time. Don't miss out on it.  Do it, try it, go for it.  At the very least, open your eyes, take a deep breath and experience it. Whether it's as small as painting your toe nails purple or as huge as changing locations, making a move.  May your eyes open each day to a new possibility and your heart give you the courage to live it.  JO

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