Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Friday, November 29, 2013

Ten Things I am Thankful For

Of course,  it would be a lot longer list than ten, the things in my life that I am truly thankful for.  Family, friends, freedom, health, hundreds of small and not so small things in my life everyday that I am more grateful for, than I can express.

After visiting with my daughters and their families this holiday, I found my mind wandering on the trips home. Full of more food than I normally eat in two or three days, the hum of the car made it hard to keep my eyes open; I tried to persuade my old mind to be productive.  I tried to think of the things I needed to get done in the short time before Christmas, tried to think of what is going to happen in the next chapter of the new book, tried to figure how I could trick or blackmail myself into exercising, tried to decide should I put the tree up this weekend or not? My pecan pie poisoned brain just refused to get serious.

Now, I am home, my comfy warm-up pants on, hot cocoa sitting defiantly and dangerously near the keyboard, hypnotized as usual by this screen. And, here are the ten "lesser" blessings that I am thankful for:

     1.  Sweatpants with the magic of elastic waist bands

     2.  That my family likes cornbread dressing (prepared in a casserole pan) not "stuffing" of soggy bread and god knows what...did you say oysters! that's fish for gracious sakes... crammed in the gaping end of the turkey.

     3. That the sweet adorable voices and giggles of my grand children, which become shriller as the day goes on, don't live at my house.

    4.  That the stuffed dog that barks out "Oh-come-all-ye-faithful..." and many more cheerful favorites, will only have the lifespan of a month and then be smothered in the plastic tote for another year. 

    5.  Big bottles of wine

    6.  That I am of an age, to say "Oh, ya'll go ahead and go for a walk.  I'll stay here by the fire with the kids.  It's above freezing now? How nice for you, but somebody has to stay. Don't worry for me."

    7.  That the "mature" family members get the real beds

    8.  That there are only half a dozen football games in one day

    9.  Cocoa and SoCo. Wonderful creamy hot cocoa with tiny marshmallows and a capful of Southern Comfort.

    10.  That I can still laugh at the aggravating, anxiety filled and perfectly amazing things in my very fortunate life.

Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite.  JO



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