Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Organize Your Thoughts

Whether you are contemplating downsizing your life or making dozens of other life decisions, you need to organize those thoughts that buzz around in your head.  

***You can begin by thinking of what you REALLY want, what you would like to happen, the answer you wish you could hear. Yes, you are allowed to consider how you feel about a decision. You can have your dream.

***Once you know what you want, get real and honest with yourself.  Is there a realistic starting point to accomplish what I want?  Is it possible to do what I want? Most importantly---what are the consequences of this change, both good and bad?

***Make a plan

Dreams are supposed to be lofty and big. It's okay to form that perfect scenario in your mind. Oh, I would love to live in that teeny portable house, be able to move around. Oh, I would love to live on a houseboat. Oh, wouldn't it be grand in the mountains? on the lake or river? I would love to have no yard work, no maintenance, no mortgage. Just be sure that it's your dream, not one that you saw on TV or heard from someone else and it sounded good.

When you get honest with yourself, start narrowing down your possibilities to a version of your dream that might actually be do-able and right for your situation. I'm sorry, but I just don't believe that those folks that enthusiastically move their family of five into a 250 sq, feet house are happy a year down the road---if they even survive for a year! What are your priorities?  Money, freedom from responsibilities, just being able to enjoy some of the simpler things in life?  You can do it. Do it the way that is right for you, though.

The hubby and I have never been city folk, we like nature and we don't like the metro life. However, I won't kid you. We like our conveniences and are not interested in living miles away from necessities and indulgences.  We like our television, we like our Wi-Fi, we don't want to drive an hour to get a gallon of milk, we are old and want some type of medical care to be reachable. We live outside of the city (in both of our locations) but we don't live isolated.

When you've examined the pros and cons, you will discover a reasonable path to follow. Make a plan now. It might be as simple as "I'm going to start getting rid of a lot of stuff that I don't need" as a beginning. Any small action that will move you toward your goal is worthwhile. Get that destination of change in your mind and move persistently toward it. Move an inch at a time or leap, just move.

Have a dream, get realistic and make a plan. That's always worked for me.

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