Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Rumors of War

There's been a lot of stories and rumors floating around in recent days about the threat of war. Stories about how Russia suggested that all of it's citizens living abroad and their families return to the mother country. A report of a three day disaster drill in Russia, in which 40 million participated, concerning a nuclear strike. Does this mean anything? Could we have a World War III?
You would have to have your head completely buried in the sand to not be aware that the whole world is volatile these days.  From terrorist to civil unrest, even here on our own soil, its a dangerous environment.
However, the possibility of our country having an invasion type of home ground war, such as happened in the movie, RED DAWN is practically zero.  There are approximately 300 million guns owned by citizens in America. There are six million registered gun owners in Texas alone...six million, if each owner only possessed one gun.  There is no one on the face of our turbulent earth that would be foolish enough to physically invade the USA.  As Hitler said, "The first thing that must be done to conquer a country is to disarm it's citizens." WE are not and will not be disarmed. 
Does that make us safe from attack?  Far from it.  The most probable and highly possible way that we will be thrown into chaos will be an attack on our power grid.  If an enemy could take down our power, our utilities and communications they would cause unimaginable catastrophe nationwide.  And, they would be counting on the destruction of our daily culture to cause us to turn those weapons against each other. 
Each of us truly needs to let our minds imagine the long term consequences of such an attack.  Like all apocalyptic scenarios...should you start living your life in fear that tomorrow will bring disaster? No, but you should absolutely think of what you would do to protect you and your family and how you would survive either for a short term or for a very long time.  There's a very long distance between unreasonable panic and being prepared.  Trust me, because there are people in the world that would love to see the downfall of America, it is always possible.

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