Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Monday, June 13, 2016

Who Made You God?

My heart hurts for the victims and families of the Orlando massacre

Who made you god?
What made you think that you have the right.
Who are you, of small mind and soul
To think you can choose who will live or die.

If there was such a god that believed in evil
Then he would not be sacred, he would be a demon.
When the seed of hate began to grow inside of you
It devoured your humanity and left a rotting heart.

Why are you here, in my beautiful America?
Why are you here, you terrorist, you haters.
You, who despise my country, my people
How much longer will you be allowed to come or stay.

I have no forgiveness, I have no understanding
I do not wish you to go in peace.
I wish to see you at the gates of Hades
With your victims as your judge.

If only they had the opportunity to shoot first

In Stephen King's The Green Mile, the character said, "He killed them with their love."   In America, our love, our trust, our tolerance, our almighty rights and freedom...all of our good traits that so many claim we do not have, those traits are being used to get close and destroy us.

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