Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Who's Your Sugar Daddy?

Who's your daddy?  Well, of course, it's the big fat United States government.  A lot of us hard working taxpayers like to whine and complain about the non working, non tax paying, entitled Americans. Guess what? I don't know that any of us can say that we're immune to this monstrous money machine. The people's piggy bank.
The latest hot topic and issue is the North Carolina law about restrooms.  I realize that it's a complicated issue and that people have strong feelings.  Most of those feelings, however, aren't really about the name on public bathroom facilities.  People have all varieties of fears, prejudices and heartfelt personal morals.  The truth is that just because there's toilets in a room, doesn't mean that any more or any less perverts or bad guys will be there.  You're rubbing shoulders with demons and monsters everyday in the world.  It's your personal responsibility to take care of yourself and your children.  The hubby and I, in our travels for many years, have seen plenty of restrooms with a male and female, perhaps family sign on them. You either go in or you hold it. It's your choice. And when my three daughters were little girls, their daddy spent more than one restroom break, standing guard at the door. 

Here's the honest truth, folks.  North Carolina should and actually does have the right to decide how they will offer their public restrooms for use.  Do you know why there is such a huge stink (pardon the pun)?   They have the right to that choice as all the states do. They have THAT right and many more States Rights.  So, why have the states slowly lost their rights?  Because we have ALL let Big Daddy take over.  The US government is controlling and regulating, meddling and blackmailing  us with their supportive money.  They are ruling our schools, health care, businesses....  WE, not just the entitled, have allowed it.  Why in heaven's name would we be not supporting the schools in our states. Some say, "Well, some states wouldn't be able to afford as good of schools as others?"  Really? we should let the government tell us how to run our schools and take their money?

Just like all the things that Big Daddy has control of,  he gathers all the dollars that he can and it's never enough, then HE re-distributes it as he sees fit.  As usual, things don't get better, they don't improve.  We just ALL get equal crappier education for our children.  Why don't we states take care of our own business, run our own schools?  If we want better schools in our state, it should be our responsibility to provide them. As far as I'm concerned, the federal tax money should only be for the projects that benefit all the people, the federal infrastructure and highways, the federal parks and lands, not for Senator Joe Shitforbrain's bridge to the lovely new garden in his state.

So, don't go thinking that YOU aren't entitled, that you haven't become spoiled to the government creating what you think is the right environment for you and your family. We've got a sugar daddy and until we move out of his house, he's going to tell us what to do.

I do have to note, my state is Texas. If you think you're going to corner me up in a public restroom, perhaps you'll get a change of gender free of charge.  Grow up folks. Put your pistol...that is if Big Daddy says you can have your pocket and go pee.

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