Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Where Did You Get That Mouth?

I will readily admit that I have quite a store of cuss words in my vocabulary and I wouldn't even begin to claim that I never drag them out.  It doesn't mean that a movie or tv program, music or performance of any kind that has a steady stream of expletives isn't offensive to me. I do somewhat agree with the old adage that a person who has an over abundance of swear words in their conversation, doesn't have many worthwhile words to exchange.  I also believe that like a lot of unpleasant vices, cursing becomes a bad habit. It's a short cut to making your feelings understood without legitimate vocabulary words.
Still, I'm dating myself for certain here---bad words used to be the ones that we had been scolded for saying as a child. There was the typical damn and hell and more colorful and forbidden ones. They were just words however.  The filth that seems to fill the television and literally our culture these days is way beyond mere words.  Since I don't watch an excess of tv programming, especially on HBO and such uncensored venues, I'm perhaps not the person to give criticism, BUT I am. 
Isn't it bad enough that we have to hear about any variety of personal malady that could befall a person---diarrhea, hemorrhoids, yeast infections, penile dysfunction and so on---we have to be bombarded with the nastiest of the nasty.  What in decency sakes has happened to the mouths and minds of the American culture? 
This would not be by far, the only example, however it's a program that I have watched. VEEP on HBO should be and is an extremely funny program.  I love Julia Louis-Dreyfus, she is an amazing talented comedian. Her mouth and the dialogue of this whole show is the most disgusting and foul I've ever heard.  Why do I watch?  Well, you start out by saying, Hey, this is funny. I can get past this language.  After a while though, you just plain can't.  Again, it's not just words. There are strings of words and explicit descriptive comments that I honestly don't get the point of. As a matter of fact, I must be old because sometimes the repulsive comments are things that if I get it, it's something that has never before in my most frustrated or angry or even dirty thoughts has crossed my mind. 
I understand that swearing has always been for emphasis, for shock value.  This show isn't the first instance of dialogue that made me wince and gag.  I'm sorry folks, there is no way that I'm accepting that normal everyday people not only use such language but express such sick thoughts in daily conversation and matter of fact ways.  I'm not sheltered, been around a lot of years, I've never heard anyone that I've encountered use this type of language. "Potty mouth" has a whole new meaning for me. This isn't English, this isn't language, this is sewage with a few legitimate words floating around. There is something very scary about a culture that blithely shrugs it's shoulders and spews out  filth instead of ideas, wit and personal exchanges of words. 

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