To put it politely, when are we going to put a stop to belaboring the point? The politicians and the all knowing media that tell us everything we need to know about what the politicians are saying and up to, have no concept of the fact that THE HORSE IS DEAD!
When it's the real issues facing America, the issues that the campaign should and is about, there is a boring memorized recitation of lies. They just move their mouths and like freakin' (I say freaky because these people are scary) robots repeat the promises---I will create jobs and build the economy, I will keep us safe, I will solve the immigration problem, I will, I promise, only I can. It's such a boring and repetitive droning of lies and false promises that we, the citizens, are sick of it. We block it out for certain.
So, because the politicians are as bored with the real business they should be doing, like everyone else, they get down in the manure and start throwing it around at each other. And make no mistake, we're bored and disgusted, not because the issues aren't real but due to the pathetic fact that the politicians recognize the media and voters had much rather hear about the mistakes of a wife than how they are going to fix the economy---the economy that they broke in the first place.
And it's easy to be on the opposing side when candidates are making an ass of themselves. Unfortunately, the opposition stands on their high ground, the stinking toilet tissue stuck to their feet from the excrement they've been walking in.
Folks, we need to talk business, our country is in real danger here. Pu-lease, bury the damn horse. Telling us about the personal life of your opponent is the wrong horse, matter of fact it's riding the jackass. Talk to me about the job that you're expecting me to elect you to, get serious, wash off the stink and refuse to step back in it. And by the way, a person that has character---and America is so desperately in need of such a leader---doesn't have to keep telling and reminding us of their integrity. True character reveals itself in action, it isn't within someone because they tell you it is.
Wouldn't it be spectacular for a man of true integrity and character to ride in on the white horse and save our beautiful country?