Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Horse is Dead

To put it politely, when are we going to put a stop to belaboring the point? The politicians and the all knowing media that tell us everything we need to know about what the politicians are saying and up to, have no concept of the fact that THE HORSE IS DEAD!

When it's the real issues facing America, the issues that the campaign should and is about, there is a boring memorized recitation of lies. They just move their mouths and like freakin' (I say freaky because these people are scary)  robots repeat the promises---I will create jobs and build the economy, I will keep us safe, I will solve the immigration problem, I will, I promise, only I can. It's such a boring and repetitive droning of lies and false promises that we, the citizens, are sick of it. We block it out for certain.

So, because the politicians are as bored with the real business they should be doing, like everyone else, they get down in the manure and start throwing it around at each other. And make no mistake, we're bored and disgusted, not because the issues aren't real but due to the pathetic fact that the politicians recognize the media and voters had much rather hear about the mistakes of a wife than how they are going to fix the economy---the economy that they broke in the first place.

And it's easy to be on the opposing side when candidates are making an ass of themselves. Unfortunately, the opposition stands on their high ground, the stinking toilet tissue stuck to their feet from the excrement they've been walking in.

Folks, we need to talk business, our country is in real danger here.  Pu-lease, bury the damn horse. Telling us about the personal life of your opponent is the wrong horse, matter of fact it's riding the jackass.  Talk to me about the job that you're expecting me to elect you to, get serious, wash off the stink and refuse to step back in it. And by the way, a person that has character---and America is so desperately in need of such a leader---doesn't have to keep telling and reminding us of their integrity. True character reveals itself in action, it isn't within someone because they tell you it is.

Wouldn't it be spectacular for a man of true integrity and character to ride in on the white horse and save our beautiful country?

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time, we were young.
The song on the radio...we knew the words and we sung.
Once you were our babies, our mommy and daddy, our family, our friend. We were together, we could see no end.
Then the years passed and they stacked and they flew. In a blink, it seemed we were crying where are you?
We have learned life is not fair or forever or for the weak of heart. Life's a journey, a drama and we all play our part.

We remember, we miss you, yet we can't be sad
Because we knew you, we loved you and my, all the times that we had.

We'll hold you inside, we'll step and look and we'll tip a glass for you. You go in peace and save a place for us beyond the blue.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Family Drama

   Got any of that in your family---you know, that drama stuff?  When I was a girl and even when I became an adult and started to build my own family, I was certain that everyone else's family was perfectly normal, no troubles.  Unlike my own family who had been fairly dysfunctional and had a buffet of problems. Of course, even when you reach a certain age, you're haven't necessarily become a grown-up. Now, so much farther down the road, I realize that the large majority of folks have family drama. There is very little immunity to it.
As a young mother I had a wonderful friend. I so admired her, she was very together, a woman of strong faith and seemed to have such a perfect family.  There was rarely any true conflict in her life. The years and our lives pushed us away from each other.  I assumed that her children, that had gone to college, married and had families were successful and happy, and the special family relationships they always had were still there.  In recent years, her health began to fail and she lost her spouse. Our renewed contact revealed the most surprising thing to me.  For years, her and her oldest child had not been on speaking terms.  I was so sad to learn how much pain that brought into her life. You just never really know the heart aches of others.

The point is, you would be in the small minority if you didn't have any conflicts or drama in your family. The bigger the family, the more opportunities for disagreement.  I suspect from the time we lived in caves, the inter-familial wars were on.  Human families are plagued by everything from minute aggravations to differences that truly cannot be fixed.

That "fixed" word is very important. Women, in particular, take on the responsibility for the emotional relationships of the family.  Men, aren't concerned unless it can be fixed with a wrench and a hammer. The secret to keeping your sanity, however, is to recognize the unfixable situations. The blood connection that runs through your kin, close and not so close, doesn't insure that you will be pleased with them. It doesn't even insure that you will always like them.

Whether it's a child, a sibling or other family---if you can't change the person to your liking or fix a situation that causes you distress, you truly have to learn to leave it.  Much easier said than done. If you can salvage some level to maintain your relationship, accept it.  As I've aged, my most valuable coping tool has become to remind myself that if I left this earth tomorrow, the world would keep right on spinning and whatever drama that seemed so important for me to fix would either disappear or work itself out.  I'm really not that important.




Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Pleasure of Your Own Company

I read a quote that said, "If you met you, would you like you?"  Good question, huh?   I happen to believe that it's very important for your mental health to be able to enjoy your own company. It's not a trait that everyone has.

The hubby and I, over our many years together, have flip-flopped in our social needs and desires.  As a young mother and wife, I craved the change of socializing. If there was a party, a gathering, new people to meet, I was right there, anxious to go and participate.   He often balked, no, don't think I want to go. I don't know those people---etc.

As the years have gone by, I found that my need for socializing has greatly diminished. I particularly came to the realization that just any companionship wouldn't do, I actually really only wanted to be around people that I truly enjoyed and those that seemed to appreciate my company. Since the spouse is on the top of that list of people I enjoy and due to the recent situation of writing being my passion---writing is a quite solitary occupation---I've become very much of a loner. While I still really like people and find them deeply interesting, I just don't seem to have a need for them.

He, on the other hand, accuses me of being a "hermit" and anti-social, he has morphed into an enthusiastic pursuer of social interaction.  He relishes parties, new people, festivals and concerts where all kinds of people crowd around.  In stores and restaurants he is likely to start up a conversation with a stranger.  The poor pizza delivery guy gets the third degree, "So, how long you been doing this, bud?  What are your plans? Earning college money?---this is always accompanied by a generous tip.  Still, I know the unfortunate deliverer shakes his head when he escapes, geez! what's with that old guy?

These personal changes between he and I, the old married couple is mostly just part of the natural changes that years bring. As a matter of fact, I just told him the other day, "I know that you're okay with your own company because you talk to yourself a lot more than to me."   But, I do see in some of our friends, in other folks, a worrisome need for people to constantly entertain them and fill up their lives.

We do live in a fast paced and full of stuff world. I get that and can't say that I don't participate in any of it.  It seems a bit frightening to me that a person would need every minute of their day scheduled and planned and other people in attendance at all times.  It's important to have occasional alone days, to have some quiet, to pause and explore who you are and where you're going. 

Another thing I read---think of five people you're around the most, for you will become like them. I'm not saying that is necessarily a bad thing.  Ask yourself, though,  are you like the  numerous people that you gather into your life, push into every little corner?  Can you say that you are true to your self, that you remain the unique you?  I think it's easy for you to get lost in the clamor of a crowd.  Appreciate the richness of friends and social interactions, but learn to enjoy the company of YOU.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

What Will We Tell the Children?

I wake up so many mornings with a big knot in my stomach and try to avoid news and the media as much as I can. I'm so deeply disappointed to find my beautiful America wallowing in the muck and mire.  We all know that politics is dirty but this presidential campaign, the politics of today has become swimming in the toilet nasty.

I must say that if I had my own ways and means, right now---today, I would pull three big buses up in front of the legislature, load every stinking representative and senator up and remove them from the job of protecting and representing the people, the job that they don't do. I would fumigate and sanitize the work place that my tax dollars provided for them and start all over. The flaw in that would be that most of them wouldn't be at work.  I believe in my heart that the greed and corruption in the legislature is the true destructive force to our democracy. 

It's obvious that the anger, frustration and disgust of the American citizens has fueled so much of the tone and rhetoric of this long campaign to select the nominees that we will choose a president from. The PRESIDENT of the United States, folks---the leader, the  world wide representative of our country and all we stand for.  I think about when Amy, the neurobiologist on Big Bang Theory talked about how monkeys fling their poop at their adversaries.  I've never in my lifetime seen so much and such blatent poop slinging!

But, we aren't monkeys...are we?  Here are just some of the more recent statements to spew out of the candidates vulgar mouths that not only scare the monkey-doo out of me but make me wonder how we can stand the stench of the growing pile of lies. 

                     BERNIE likes to use the word revolution. There is a quote I like that says, A reform is a correction of abuses; a revolution is a transfer of power.  FREE college, FREE healthcare...the government should take care of us all.  Who pays for the FREE for ALL?  Does the almighty government have a money tree or do we all pay for free? We need to be extremely careful who we transfer power to.

                     HILLARY says that the Republicans are out there "doing everything they can" to  prevent the blacks, the Hispanics, the poor and those with disabilities from voting. Why would any party want a large portion of the population not to vote? Isn't that with great racism assuming that ALL blacks, Hispanics, poor and people with disabilities are  Democrats and liberals and therefore the Republicans wouldn't want them to vote?  But then What difference does it make? 

                     TRUMP, the crude, rude, disrespectful, narcissistic ego-maniac arrogantly says things such as---have you seen her face?  blood coming out of eyes, coming out of her wherever; idiot, fools; If Hillary can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy Americans----I'm rich, I'm successful, I can build the Great Wall of Trump and Mexico will pay for it; Blacks love me. I will make America great again. I am winning, I am winning.  Funny, how he only talks about me, me, me, I, I, I and not about YOUR country and how he actually is going to fix it.

                     EVERY CANDIDATE, telling us lies, calling their opponents names, maneuvering for their own political gain and asking us to send our hard earned dollars and support them. "Go to my website and donate. No matter if you don't have much to give, just send what you can." Reminds me of every old  slick sleazy evangelist I ever heard begging for your last dollar.

Trust me, friends, I'm every bit as mad as you are about the direction this country is going.  I just want you to ask yourself what are you going to tell your children?  The children and grandchildren that you've tried to teach some values. When they say, " I thought you said that you didn't say those words,  that you don't talk about how a person looks,  you don't bully people or call them bad names."   How are you going to explain the choice you made for the person to be the president of our country?  Do you think that when the flag flies and the anthem plays, you're going to be able to stand up and say, "Yes, that's my country, that's my flag---that's my president."