Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Naughty or Nice?

No question these days, with the political campaigns slime-ing us, the violence that is both home and foreign grown, the world is far from nice.  It's sad and scary, violent and vulgar. If you don't turn off all media on occasion, give your brain a break, you feel as pathetic as the tree when all the decorations are stripped away and the presents are gone.

Sometimes you just need to indulge your natural aversion to the nasty old world, it's inhabitants and troubles.  You don't have to watch the sick children, the abused animals, the saddest stories all the time, every day. And you don't have to feel guilty that you can't fix it all.  A person only needs to do and give what they can, both near and far away. Your heart should be your guide, but your brain should lead.  You're not bad to search for your own joy.

The hubby and I are still adjusting to living a smaller life. It's been a hectic year of change. Some days, especially the dreary cold and wet ones, I have to admit the doubts swirl around. Confined to the small spaces of a travel trailer, "what have we done?" does enter the head. But, then you have to keep a perspective, gloomy winter days are never pleasant, no matter where you are. I did manage to find a spot for a small tree with some of my favorite ornaments. Once the presents were all wrapped and piled around, I felt better. These gifts won't be opened on one big chaotic day, with all my family together in my home, but they will be given with love to my children and grand children and happy times will be shared with them all.

There are some nice things about this time of year, this Christmas season. Things that seem to often be unique to the holidays.  Of course, it's a time when we do pause and are thankful for family, friends and the good things in our lives. If you allow yourself, however, it's all the small things that can make you smile and give you that joy. 

It's so nice....

       Even in this travel trailer "village",  the wreaths and lights and decorations begin to appear between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

       You can smell the scents of things baking and people tap on your door, bearing small cans and bags of fudge and cookies and all the wonderful things that your doctor warns you not to eat. Just a bite or two won't hurt, will it?

       Bright cards with happy wishes arrive from old friends and family, make you look forward to checking the mail. You line or stack them up, and wonder who is the Joe and Ann that secretly pushed the glittery card into your door frame?

       That even new acquaintances tactfully ask what you're doing for Christmas and make sure you know there's a place for you at their gathering.

        That there's plenty of sappy, corny Hallmark and Christmas movies on tv with happy endings.

It's okay to be naughty for  these brief moments of the holidays and only think about the nice, the good and precious things of our earth and the living things that inhabit it.

Merry, Merry, JO


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