Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Who am I to be talking about the incredible arrogance of the politicians and celebrities of our present day?  I am nobody and that is precisely the point.  I'm not asking you to elect me a high office or to accept me as your leader. I'm not in a position of extreme influence.  I am merely expressing my opinion. That is my right as it is every American's right.

There is a huge difference in me expressing my opinion and in the self serving, full of themselves actions of so many of the very visible and famous, very influential and powerful of our society. There are  many of these very well known persons that are truly so self important that they believe they have the privilege to tell us what is right, whose behavior is acceptable or not.

Whatever happened to the things that many of us were brought up to believe?  Pride goeth before a fall---Putting someone else down will not bring you up---If you can't say anything good, don't say anything at all.  These people are contradictions to the own blathering beliefs.  They claim to be against racism, for women's rights, against discrimination in any form and yet:
                  Hilary Clinton lies, breaks and bends the law, says What difference does it make?

                  Donald Trump is such a pompous ass that the stuff that spews out of his mouth should be coming out the other end.

                  Joy Behar and the ladies of the view, the supposed champions of women and their equality, go on national television and make fun of a Miss America contestant because she chose as her talent to speak of her proud career.

                  Various Hollywood celebrities water their yards during a severe drought, drive big cars and private airplanes while condemning the rest of us for polluting the environment

The list most certainly goes on and on.  There seems to be very little middle ground these days. Those that decide to "say it like it is", to rebel against the politically correct police are vicious.  These personal attacks are ugly and they do nothing to solve the many problems of the world today. These highly visible people that are so free with their imperatives and opinions  are narcissistic and arrogant and the high horse they are riding is a dangerous perch.

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