Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Burnt Cookies & Maddening Calls

It really does just burn my cookies.  Is it not my own private phone? Does anybody at any time for any reason have the right to call.  I accept that I have the right to not answer the ring of my phone and very recognizable number or area code or ID, unknown, incomplete...I exercise that right.

Still, it's the most aggravating and infuriating thing.  I detest the feeling that I have to be leery, study the blanking tiny screen to see IF I want to answer my own phone.  The solicitors, charities and fundraisers have become completely obnoxious, rude and and invasive. I just recently learned that many of the fundraising companies that have been retained by very worthy charities get a high percentage of the donations that are collected.  Smell those cookies scorching?

The strategies and tactics of these fundraisers are as despicable as old bill collecting agencies. Like most people I know, we give to the charities that we really feel are worthy or have a particular affinity with.  We give when and the amount as we are able to. Even one of my very favorite charities that I truly believe does immense good works and whom I have already given my donation to this year, has begun to call at least twice EVERY day.  Another, as I was writing a check out, I noticed that I had already written a donation out and sent it, less than a month before.  The phone rings with unwanted calls all day long and the mail box is clogged with slick begging envelopes.  There seems to be no real recognition of gifts just given and they bury me with labels, calendars, stacks of small freebees that I do not want. How much of such stuff can a person use?  Obviously, with your name already nicely printed, your guilt will make you send in another donation. 

These practices are so maddening and I'm so disappointed that reputable and admirable charities are using them.  I have already dropped several organizations from my list, refuse to donate to them.  I do not answer the calls and I often dump a pile of unopened envelopes into the trash, goodies and all.  What a waste!  These mailings, these calls cost the charity money.  I truly believe they are having a negative impact. 

The most heart breaking thing that happened to me lately.  A very old dear friend passed away from cancer. It so happened that on a day very close to her leaving, when she was so desperately ill, a fund raiser from one of the cancer charities called. I answered the phone that day, not wanting to miss any calls. So sad and with my stomach twisted, I politely told the person that I had a friend dying of cancer and that any help I would have to give would personally be given to her and her family at this time.  This rude beggar actually argued with me, tried to get me to give my friend's info. so they could offer help. Really?! Offer help or add her family to their solicitation list. "Shame, shame, shame on you...aren't you ashamed of yourself?" My grandmother's voice echoes in my ear.

I will never give to that charity again and many others. I look up the record and information of any charity that I wish to donate to. I'm perfectly happy to use my own envelope and stamp and do not want money that should be spent on the cause used on insignificant trivials and  to annoy me.

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