Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Tomorrow is another Day

The quote by Robert Frost is profound, life just marches on. Even more true are the words of George Bernard Shaw, Life does not cease to be funny when someone dies anymore than it ceases to be serious when someone laughs.  So far, another day arrives whether something wonderful or horrific has occurred in your personal existence or in the world. The delimma, the huge question is how are you going to move through that new day.

Who, among us has not wailed at the unfairness of life or been awe struck at a piece of good luck. In my observations, I have come to realize that life, nature, god, whatever your heart embraces is 100% unbiased.  No matter who you are, no matter what race or color or sex or your status on the economic scale, life at any moment might smack you down hard to the ground and kick you right in the gut or it might lift you up on a cloud of joy.  It's so random that a blink, a moment can be the difference in your good or bad fortune.  No question we have a lot of influence on how our life progresses, but nothing insulates us from the ups and downs.  If we had no control over our fate at all, why not just sit down and wait for the next event to wash over us. 

So, to me, this boils down to some basics.  I'm going to do everything I can to live my life with respect for others and for the fact that I can't control everything. Tolerance and movement seems to be the key to getting through life. Even though I spend a great deal of time sitting on my more than adequate bottom and pecking away at these keys, I force myself away and out into the life that is happening out there. Everything is happening out there. You just have to swim on through, keep paddling.  Don't envy the guy over there, floating on a nice safe board and if someone is sinking and you can reach them, give them a hand up.  Don't look back, float on towards your future, just live. 

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