Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

That's So Stupid...It's Stupid

The hubby said something last night that was very smart.  As we watched the endless supply of idiotic visions that the tv provides us with and exchanged our usual brilliant observations....what!? did you hear that? (often we don't hear) I don't get that, do you? what is that all about?  He said, "Well, that's so stupid, it's just stupid." I think that was brilliant because sometimes there are no more words to describe the stupidity of something other than that original descriptive word.

Genetic Idiots is my favorite description of humans who are stupid beyond explanation. Those that amaze me to the point of thinking that no one could possibly willfully act that stupid. Bless their hearts, they obviously can't help it. Now, television not only falls over themselves to report any show of stupidity they can discover, they create mountains of it to show us.  I do understand that one's man's entertainment is another's disgust. What's interesting or makes us laugh is very diverse.

But, oh-my-goodness, television is like when someone gives you an ugly ass sweater. You smile politely, it could be worse, and say thanks.  So, they promptly give you five more in just a bit different color. Hey, it's your privilege, your right. If you enjoy watching has been stars dance or people eat bugs to survive or if you somehow relish the drama in everyday life such as watching paint dry...."Well, Taylor Tyler, what do you think? Is that paint going to dry darker than we thought? Oh god, if it does I don't know what we'll do.  We're nearly out of time for repainting this pet store and those poisonous snakes will start biting that lady that agreed to keep them in her bathtub...Yeah, I know, Moonie June, if we don't get paid tomorrow, Uncle Joe can't get that tattoo on his big toe."...If this turns your crank, who am I to judge.  I always thought the Three Stooges were purely stupid, many did and still do think they were hilarious. 

The list of things that are so stupid, they are just stupid would be longer than I could ever complete.  I've been in Dallas, Texas on the some of the busiest freeways in the world and seen people driving 80 mph and texting. I've seen folks that decided a little tattoo on the arm wasn't enough, why not painfully drill color into every single inch of my body and no one can ever get that off me, unless they skin me like a dead squirrel. And then there are politicians.

I know there have always been less than intelligent inhabitants of the world. Humans are just humans. Occasionally, people's idiocy is just plain laughable.  Sometimes, they are scary. I often wonder these days,  if we Americans, like some kind of self destructive Royalty have interbred.  Have the narcissistic, shallow, entitled and self indulgent pea-brains found each other and procreated to the point of the near extinction of the wise and honorable.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Tomorrow is another Day

The quote by Robert Frost is profound, life just marches on. Even more true are the words of George Bernard Shaw, Life does not cease to be funny when someone dies anymore than it ceases to be serious when someone laughs.  So far, another day arrives whether something wonderful or horrific has occurred in your personal existence or in the world. The delimma, the huge question is how are you going to move through that new day.

Who, among us has not wailed at the unfairness of life or been awe struck at a piece of good luck. In my observations, I have come to realize that life, nature, god, whatever your heart embraces is 100% unbiased.  No matter who you are, no matter what race or color or sex or your status on the economic scale, life at any moment might smack you down hard to the ground and kick you right in the gut or it might lift you up on a cloud of joy.  It's so random that a blink, a moment can be the difference in your good or bad fortune.  No question we have a lot of influence on how our life progresses, but nothing insulates us from the ups and downs.  If we had no control over our fate at all, why not just sit down and wait for the next event to wash over us. 

So, to me, this boils down to some basics.  I'm going to do everything I can to live my life with respect for others and for the fact that I can't control everything. Tolerance and movement seems to be the key to getting through life. Even though I spend a great deal of time sitting on my more than adequate bottom and pecking away at these keys, I force myself away and out into the life that is happening out there. Everything is happening out there. You just have to swim on through, keep paddling.  Don't envy the guy over there, floating on a nice safe board and if someone is sinking and you can reach them, give them a hand up.  Don't look back, float on towards your future, just live. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Buggin' Out

Preppers define "bugging out" as when you must leave your location for a safer place, in a catastrophic happening.  In a disaster, such as an EMP type event, when the majority of transportation is disabled, this would mean hitting the road with your survival supplies on your back.  There are other possibilities that I won't go into, such as bicycles, an older vehicle available that pre-dates the electronics loaded models of today, a horse...people can be pretty creative in their planning for evacuation.

In my personal situation, the hubby and I would first try to make our stand at our house in the edge of our hometown. Texas is where our children and grandchildren reside and that is where we would attempt to survive.  However, we do spend nearly half of our time at a Colorado cabin.  At this location, we do keep an older model vehicle that we maintain in running condition.  In the vehicle that we travel back and forth and is our primary means of transportation, we keep two bags with basic survival supplies.  If necessary, our goal would be to take the old vehicle and make it back to Texas.  

I have often said here, we are not hard-core, super preppers but there are some things we do. I really believe that anyone can be prepared and it doesn't have to dominate your life or your finances.  It's really pretty simple. You have to do a bit of study and ask yourself, "If I had to put a back pack on and start walking, what would I have to have to survive?"  If you have a vehicle, you must have fuel stored. We also have a siphoning tool in the bag.   In my two bags:

                   Water (also have water purifying tabs and a water filter)
                   Food (dehydrated foods are going to be the best bet to have any reasonable supply)
                   Chemical suits and masks
                   First aid supplies and medicines (a first aid manual or materials you print out)
                   Fire starting items (Strike on anything matches, disposable lighters and/or firestarter kits)
                   Large hunting type knife, guns and ammo
                   Shoes that we could walk a long way in. The lightest warmest thing we could pack.
                   Antiseptic wipes and soap, assorted small items that would be personal preferences

These are just very basic items. Believe it or not, the bags are not that heavy. There are actually bags with the basics available, already packed to go.  Two years ago, I gave all three of my daughters survival bags.  One doesn't drive and I prepared a basic home survival bag for her and the other two, I insisted they put them in their vehicles.  None of them are overly occupied or concerned with S--t-hits-the-fan events, however they accepted them with a "poor old momma" smile.  What can it hurt? What can you lose?

Sure, maybe in your lifetime nothing catastrophic will occur.  But ask yourself, just what IF those crazy preppers are right.  Or even, what if an epic storm hits your area;  what if your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere.  Would you want to not even have a drink of water after two days or would you want to open the trunk, pull a box from under the bed or go to that shelf in the closet or garage and get a bite to eat.  It's win, win. You just can't lose by being a little prepared for the unexpected.