Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Very Dull in Mind

Webster definition of stupid- *see title, dense, dumb, fatuous, mindless, obtuse, simple, slow, unintelligent, witless, feebleminded.
I'm sorry folks but I wish to add Pokemon to the official definition.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that playing ANY games is stupid. I actually think that games are good for people's brains, especially older people.  Even games on phones, tablets, etc. 
Playing the games isn't stupid. Walking around in a stupor in public, playing the games on your phone is the absolute epitome of dumb.  As if it wasn't scary enough to have folks zombie shambling around having all kinds of personal conversations on their phones! Now, they're going to endanger the rest of us with their total distraction, not only risk our physical safety but possibly infect us with their idiocy.   Seriously, we're talking about people not stable enough to walk and chew gum at the same time, but they're going to play a game and competently function on the street---sure, they are. 
There's a valid argument for needing some distraction in this old world. Every single day something horrific and disturbing is happening. But, in a dangerous world where people are dying and starving and hurting, some open distractions just seem obscene to me.  Surely, there is something more productive that we can do when we're out in the world---even if it's just to respect your fellow human beings and give them a smile.
Being raised in the south, in Texas, manners were not an option. Class wasn't something that you could buy or that you were born with, it was something that earned with character, grace, honor  and respect.  Haley Joel Osment (in the photo) has every right to be terrified. Our society embraces the crude, rude and inane. I don't see much difference in brain-dead and dead-dead. The earth is literally crawling with the dumb. Pokemon is simply the latest garish entry into the Parade of the Pea-brains.

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