Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

One Good Man

Was Abraham Lincoln a true good man? Although, none of us can ever know what is in another person's heart, from all accounts, he was a gentle and good man. He cared about our country and he cared whether he was an upstanding person or not. That's what I'm looking for to be our next president---one good man.

I'm heart sick and disgusted with the parade of the sleazy, slick talking presidential candidates that we are presented with each day.  I'm more sickened by the media coverage these people, that no true American in their right mind would even be considering as the leader of our precious country, are getting.  The media waste their time and ours just waiting for some poor clod to mis-speak or mis-step.  It's like they place a sack of do-do in the candidate's path and then make a headline story out of the fact that they "stepped in it". 

We have no time for this inane and childish, politically correct policing and reporting.  Barrack O'bama used the evil N-word...the press knew exactly what context the man used it in but they exaggerated and spun it out for their own purposes. Does any intelligent person really believe that O'bama was throwing around that hateful word?  Jeb Bush used the term "anchor baby"....oh s--t! offense alert!  Give me a flipping break.  What about the real problems and issues that will affect the very future of our country and it's citizens? What are the media--- middle school hall monitors?

There is a vast difference between a word just mis-spoken and rhetoric that really shows the philosophy and character of a candidate.  A difference in people that lie, cheat and break the law. Will Hillary Clinton loose her temper with some dangerous foreign threat, snap their head off like a bitch dog and ask them "What difference does it make?"  She comes from a history of lies, right on the edge of the law dealings. She is arrogant and full of herself and all the time she is talking of the plight of poor Americans is building her wealth. Duplicity is not a hallmark of  good character. How much smoke can there be and you still say, but there's no fire.

Donald Trump?  I thought for certain that it was some publicity stunt that he was running.  Yes, he is rich. He never misses an opportunity to tell us just how wealthy he is.  Yes, he must be a smart business man to have reached the success he has.  Just because he says what you're thinking does not mean he is a serious possibility to be our president.  I have never seen one ounce of proof that he is a generous man and a good leader. The man, in a not very tactful way, accused his questioner of being at the bad time of month and therefore asking him hard questions. Really? this isn't a mis-spoke word, this is a real indicator of his ideals.  Like Mrs. Clinton, he is arrogant and full of himself and cares about his very own advancement.

These are not good people folks.  Why would we even consider them as our president? We have many other good choices.  America has developed a very high tolerance for very low or no character.  I don't want to hear about one or two words that were said among the thousands and thousands of words that all the candidates speak. I want to know about the real history and values of these people.  I have a right to expect the president of the greatest country on earth, my America, to be of high character. I am looking for just one good man---or woman. A good person, a good president will most certainly make mistakes but it will never be because of their own self serving purpose being above their duty to the job they were so honored to be given.

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