Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

9.11 Are You Prepared?

In my lifetime...and that's getting to be a pretty sizeable number of years...there has been nothing more sad and horrific than the events of September 11, 2001.  Whether you were impacted close and personally or whether you were hundreds of miles away, this was an attack on America and it deeply affected us all.  Yes, life did go on for millions of us. After the burials, the mourning, the cleaning up and rebuilding, the country had a deep wound that for some will never completely heal.  Make no mistake, though life did go on, that was not the intentions of the attackers.

In the more than 200 years since we fought for our independence, died and sacrificed to establish the United States of America, no foreign enemy has ever attacked us on our own soil.  On a grand "War" scale, it might seem now that this was a minor attack.  This is not so.  It doesn't matter if an enemy turns your own citizens into traitors, as in the Boston Marathon atrocity... if a lone assassin creeps across a border that is totally breachable with a small suitcase that could blow up  half of Texas or Arizona or California...or if a missile its lobbed right into our bellies. It is death and destruction to our citizens and our way of life.  There is a determined and growing enemy on the march and their goal is to see that America and it's way of life NOT continue forward. 

We cannot deceive ourselves that this is a small and weak enemy, that we are invincible to their attacks.  This enemy will chop our people's heads off and proudly film it, this enemy will use their own innocent children as shields, this is an evil enemy that believes anything is justified to achieve our annihilaltion.  Every small act of terror they impose on an American is a huge victory for them.

Having said all this, these things that a very large number of Americans are already aware of but so many more are oblivious to, I have to say, Are you prepared?  If our enemies are able to perpetrate an attack on any scale or if a catastrophe of nature occurs, can you protect and provide for your family?  The cold hard facts are that we cannot control the majority of events in the world.  We must make some plans and preparations for our own survival. A friend said to me recently, "I'm making some preparations that would maybe get me through two months. If the world isn't getting back together by that time, who wants to stay around?"  I think, always, some is better than none. I don't fault that reasoning at all.  I've got to say that if you've given thought and resources to being self sufficient for even a short time, I'd like to talk to you on your "deadline" think you might use your ingenuity and resources and hang in a few more days?  

Water, because humans cannot survive without drinkable water.  Beans, because you must have sustenance. Bullets, because you must protect your water and beans. 

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