Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Foreign Travel---Are Americans Safe?

Like 99% of information on the internet, this is just my humble opinion. And, you know that everyone has "one" of those, right?  There is a big and beautiful world out there. Personally, and from the point of view of a writer, I relish seeing and experiencing new places and meeting new people. Although, I admit to becoming a hermit when I write and living in this tiny corner where my laptop huddles.  I have reached a firm decision, however, that when my time to leave this planet arrives...whether it's going to sleep and never awakening (we all wish), a tree falls on me or any of the hundreds of methods of demise, it will be on American soil.

Of my friends, I would say that the beliefs of whether Americans are safe when traveling outside of the USA, is fairly evenly split between the "Oh, it's fine" and the "You are crazy".  Many have worked hard all their lives, they had big plans and dreams of seeing other parts of the world.  They want to stand in front of the fabulous sights and scenery, touch it, smell it, be right there. I sure would agree that there are stunning possibilities outside of  the US to see. The wide world, OMgoodness! it's amazing.

The big question, is it safe?  Just because something exists, is allowed doesn't mean it's right or should be done.  We, Americans are incredibly arrogant.  A good many believe that our American skin is a glowing suit of armor and we will, of course, be just fine where ever we go. We just think that if it is there, we certainly can have it, indeed we are entitled to it. Let's get real folks, they do not like us. When I say "they", I mean a very large number of the inhabitants of the world.  Some that just are not amused by us and a huge number that actively hate us.  When we travel outside the USA these days, we might as well have a big target painted on our back.

I realize that many would have loud arguments as to this opinion.  Why would you live in fear? why would you not see the wonders of the world?  That's just paranoid and stupid, they would say. I'm sorry, but I can still hear my mother say, "If all your friends jumped off the bridge, are you going to?" There is the possibility that exhilarating cool waters await your splashdown, there is also the very real possibility that freakin' pirahnnas lurk beneath the surface.  I mean where is the point where your little alarm bell dings?  How many Americans have to be kidnapped or killed, out of the country,  before you doubt your invincibility?  How many cruise ships have to become stranded, fill up with diseased passengers, have a murder or sink before you decide you might not want to take a cruise at this time? If someone asked you, "Is the viewing of a pyramid worth your life?", it would be easy to answer. Problem is, so many of us just do not believe that "stuff" can happen to us. They consider that to be an irrelevant question.

As I said, just my opinion.  It's everybody's personal choice and no place in the world has more freedom to make those choices than America. For me, there's still so much of the beauty of America that I haven't seen and I prefer to take my risks, perhaps cruising up the Mississippi River or standing up close to Mount Rushmore. As the talented Tanya said, "When I die I may not go to heaven. Well, I don't know if they let cowgirls in. If they don't, just send me on Texas...Boy, Texas is as close as I've been." 

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