Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Monday, October 28, 2013

What Are You Thinking?

 Did you watch American Blackout on the Nat Geo channel?  If you missed it, there will be repeats for a while.  It is worth watching and forming your own opinion as to it's plausibility.  I personally think that it is a fairly good portrayal of how things would progress in a widespread catastrophic situation in the United States of America.  

I am an author...that still seems astounding for me to declare. Four books that have been surprisingly received and one in the works, actually makes it seem acceptable to put that label on myself.  I am also a "prepper", a normal everyday prepper.  Not a dig a hole and drop a big bunker in it, fill up a whole room in my house with dehydrated food or amass enough weapons and ammunition to support a small country's army, prepper.  Nope, I am just your everyday garden variety prepper.

As my profile says, I have always been a person who believed in being organized, planning ahead, absolutely not a fly by the seat of your pants type person.  As the predicament of America, her failing finances, her swerving  direction, her sharp and steady decline in values and morals has steadily accelerated; my concern has increasingly grown.  My obsessive compulsive sense of order has previously kept me from stacking up food or amassing necessities....just did not seem imperative, after all, I had more important things to fill up my space and my mind.  Over the last year or so, my feeling have drastically changed.  I have come to believe that we all should be making at least the minimum of preparations that would give ourselves and our families a chance to survive any one of the various disasters that could very well occur.

These apocalyptic events could be man made and they could be from nature. The fact is there are many things that could happen in our world that would be totally out of our control and that are not predictable. 

My books are about just average people, families that are using their smarts, ingenuity and unity to survive a catastrophic event.  That will also be the theme of this blog.  I believe that just normal folks can do things and have a mindset that will greatly increase the chances of survival in a world that had been completely changed.  I will write about things that I have learned, things that I observe, things that I think any one can do to prepare. 
I will also give some updates on the progress of my next book, The Days After (Big River). As with all personal blogs, these will be my opinions.  I hope that I will have an exchange of ideas that will be interesting, entertaining and useful. Looking forward to "talking" with you.  JO

***I am always interested in hearing your opinion and input. Click on the word, COMMENT below, if you would like to leave a note. J.

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