I'm no fan of Donald Trump and I'm the most normal everyday middle class American citizen that you could find. Lots of folks have asked "Why Trump?"---why did we elect an arrogant, obnoxious, abrasive and often plain offensive man to be president of these United States?
I'll tell you what I believe. Thousands of Americans who would never even admit that they voted for him, DID. Our country has been drifting far away from even some type of middle ground for many years but the last few years has seen us veering at an alarming pace. Even though it has been near impossible for some to believe and accept, an overwhelming number of citizens made their decision for change.
We have began to reap what we've sown. We have ruined a whole generation. We have allowed no accountability, we have thrown away discipline; we have promoted an attitude of entitlement; in the name of religious freedom we have de-valued all religious beliefs; we have twisted freedom into an atmosphere of disparaging patriotism and loyality. In our absolute wild quest to be politically correct, we have made it an insult to note any of the diversity that makes us the amazing uniqueness of being human. We have a generation that is first and foremost, ME---what I need, what I want, what makes me feel good, what I deserve. Worst of all, what some have insisted must happen for equality has made us a nation without unity, with no team spirit or allegiance to the very laws and values that made us a free country.
Millions of Americans have become weary and alarmed at the changes and the consequences of those changes. Do you honestly need any one religious book or set of rules to know the basics of decency? I don't---I may not be the most wonderful person in the world, but I promise you that I would not murder or steal or cheat or betray. You don't have to have religion in schools to teach children the right way to live among your fellow humans. Discipline, respect, reward for accomplishment and personal responsibility make adults with values and character. Those things don't have to be the law of any one god or religion. And loyalty to your country and the flag that represents it, has nothing to do with religion. Patriotism is not a religion.
So, why Trump? Because sometimes it takes an extreme change to back up from a very destructive path. America has gone way past electing a president who talks a little different, claims to make change and is in reality just another version of the corrupt politicians that we have handed over our country to. Personally, I want all the bribing lobbying corruption in the government to STOP. I want all of the insane, way out of proportion and logic, political correctness to STOP. I want the stupidity of admitting all of those who talk, act and look like our enemies, all of those who do not respect our borders or laws to STOP. I don't want to be part of a global community. I want a safe, prosperous and unified America---the United States that I grew up being taught was the greatest country on earth to live in.
Can Donald Trump give us any semblance of that country back? Are we too far down a socialist, destructive path? I honestly don't know. I do know that he is NOT the same political despots that have brought us to the edge of a dangerous cliff. He's promising to build a bridge to a better future. I'm walking across. Because behind us the foundation of America is falling away.